Journal №1 (21) 2018|KELM



Mariana Babyshena

Kherson State Maritime academy,

Anotation. The article presents the peculiarities of future maritime officers` professionally significant qualities. It is shown that the formation of future maritime specialists` professionally significant qualities refers to the system of «human-human» and «human-machine» interaction simultaneously. The problems of the professional level and the managerial competence are analyzed. Seven main groups of skills and competences which are necessary for a maritime officer for the successful professional interaction are identified: optimization of significant qualities in the process of management activity, formation of a united team, analysis of the problem and the decisions taken argumentation, exchange of information with subordinates, support of labor and executive discipline, motivation of own professional activity and the collective ones, rational organization of their own professional interactions. The spheres of future maritime officers competence are as follows: performance of professional functions, assessment and control of subordinates` professional interaction, subordinates` organization of professional tasks, motivation of subordinates, preparation and implementation of managerial decisions, communicative qualities: information exchange, decision-making, organization of own professional interaction and maintaining the necessary level of professional interaction, providing training for subordinates. It is proved that the main factor of effective professional interaction is the personality of the future maritime officer and his skills plus abilities in the organization of human and technical resources. It is noted that the success of the future professional interaction contributes to the acquired professionally significant qualities, which should be developed under the influence of social and humanitarian disciplines. It is pointed, that the educational process should lay upon the foundations for a critical assessment of own life and professional experience, awareness of choosing the ways and methods for improving personal and professional qualities; ability to criticism and self-criticism, persistence in achieving of the goal, interest in the quality of future professional interaction, ability to take responsibility, decision-making, team-working, communicative skills, integration skills, self-regulation, self-development of a person in combination with professional interaction, professional tasks solving, problem situations solving, self-determination, self-realization, self-improvement.
Keywords: The article presents the peculiarities of future maritime officers` professionally significant qualities. It is shown that the formation of future maritime specialists` professionally significant qualities refers to the system of «human-human» and «human-machine» interaction simultaneously. The problems of the professional level and the managerial competence are analyzed. Seven main groups of skills and competences which are necessary for a maritime officer for the successful professional interaction are identified: optimization of significant qualities in the process of management activity, formation of a united team, analysis of the problem and the decisions taken argumentation, exchange of information with subordinates, support of labor and executive discipline, motivation of own professional activity and the collective ones, rational organization of their own professional interactions. The spheres of future maritime officers competence are as follows: performance of professional functions, assessment and control of subordinates` professional interaction, subordinates` organization of professional tasks, motivation of subordinates, preparation and implementation of managerial decisions, communicative qualities: information exchange, decision-making, organization of own professional interaction and maintaining the necessary level of professional interaction, providing training for subordinates. It is proved that the main factor of effective professional interaction is the personality of the future maritime officer and his skills plus abilities in the organization of human and technical resources. It is noted that the success of the future professional interaction contributes to the acquired professionally significant qualities, which should be developed under the influence of social and humanitarian disciplines. It is pointed, that the educational process should lay upon the foundations for a critical assessment of own life and professional experience, awareness of choosing the ways and methods for improving personal and professional qualities; ability to criticism and self-criticism, persistence in achieving of the goal, interest in the quality of future professional interaction, ability to take responsibility, decision-making, team-working, communicative skills, integration skills, self-regulation, self-development of a person in combination with professional interaction, professional tasks solving, problem situations solving, self-determination, self-realization, self-improvement.


Oleg Batiuk

Candidate of Law Science, Associate Professor,
professor of the department of criminal law and justice, Vice-Rector for European integration and international relations
of International economic-humanitarian University named after academician Stepan Demyanchuk
ORCID ID: ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2291-4247
Anotation. In the provisions of the scientific article, the author shares the history of scientific researches relating to the investigation of crimes, which have been committed by convicts in penal institutions of Ukraine on four periods. He conducts research of scientific works by leading scientists in the field of criminal process and forensic science, which partially dealt with the actual problems of the theoretical, legal and practical nature regarding the procedural procedure for the adoption and execution of decisions of the investigator at the stage of pre-trial investigation under the CPC 2012. In the provisions of the scientific article, certain aspects of investigation of crimes that are defined in the law by forms, methods and means of operative-investigative activity have been researched in scientific works of leading scientists of forensic of Ukraine. The author comes to the interim conclusion, that the problems of investigation of crimes, including in correctional colonies of Ukraine, are not only purely theoretical but also practical and require further scientific knowledge and development. However, the analysis of scientific papers and other doctrinal sources showed that largely they relate to the activities of the bodies of the National Police of Ukraine and some other law enforcement agencies, but they are not sufficiently studied in the work of the State criminal executive service of Ukraine, which has a very negative effect on the state and efficiency of the investigation of crimes that have been committed by convicts in the correctional colonies, and in general on the state of law and order in the Penal Institutions of Ukraine and the pre-trial detention centers of Ukraine.
Keywords: In the provisions of the scientific article, the author shares the history of scientific researches relating to the investigation of crimes, which have been committed by convicts in penal institutions of Ukraine on four periods. He conducts research of scientific works by leading scientists in the field of criminal process and forensic science, which partially dealt with the actual problems of the theoretical, legal and practical nature regarding the procedural procedure for the adoption and execution of decisions of the investigator at the stage of pre-trial investigation under the CPC 2012. In the provisions of the scientific article, certain aspects of investigation of crimes that are defined in the law by forms, methods and means of operative-investigative activity have been researched in scientific works of leading scientists of forensic of Ukraine. The author comes to the interim conclusion, that the problems of investigation of crimes, including in correctional colonies of Ukraine, are not only purely theoretical but also practical and require further scientific knowledge and development. However, the analysis of scientific papers and other doctrinal sources showed that largely they relate to the activities of the bodies of the National Police of Ukraine and some other law enforcement agencies, but they are not sufficiently studied in the work of the State criminal executive service of Ukraine, which has a very negative effect on the state and efficiency of the investigation of crimes that have been committed by convicts in the correctional colonies, and in general on the state of law and order in the Penal Institutions of Ukraine and the pre-trial detention centers of Ukraine.


Liudmyla Bohush

zdobywca stopnia naukowego Katedry Pedagogiki
Wschodnioeuropejskiego Uniwersytetu Narodowego imienia Łesi Ukrainki,

Anotation. The article analyzed the concept of professional career, defines the main components of future specialists in international information for successful realization of a professional career. Defined pedagogical conditions that ensure the effective formation of the readiness of future specialists to the successful realization of the professional career and revealed the main stages of a specified process. Selected motifs, that are basic to professional orientation.
Keywords: The article analyzed the concept of professional career, defines the main components of future specialists in international information for successful realization of a professional career. Defined pedagogical conditions that ensure the effective formation of the readiness of future specialists to the successful realization of the professional career and revealed the main stages of a specified process. Selected motifs, that are basic to professional orientation.


Andrii Borowyk, Andrii Holovach

Borowyk Andrii doktor nauk prawnych, docent Katedry Prawa Karnego i Sądownictwa Międzynarodowego Uniwersytetu Ekonomiczno-Humanistycznego imienia akademika Stepana Demianczuka,
Holovach Andrii doktor habilitowany nauk prawnych, docent, profesor Katedry Dyscyplin Państwowo-Prawnych, Administracyjno-Prawnych oraz Karno-Prawnych Uniwersytetu Donieckiego Ekonomii i Prawa
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1834-404X
Anotation. The article analyzes the legal principles of activities related to victim logical prevention of crimes in penitentiary institutions identifies problem issues in the identified subject of research and develops scientifically substantiated ways of their solution in essence.
Keywords: The article analyzes the legal principles of activities related to victim logical prevention of crimes in penitentiary institutions identifies problem issues in the identified subject of research and develops scientifically substantiated ways of their solution in essence.


Lesia Duchyminska, Roksolana Kolb

Duchyminska Lesia kierownik zarządzania audytem wewnętrznym i kontrolą finansową Głównego Urzędu Funduszu Emerytalnego Ukrainy w obwodzie wołyńskim,
Kolb Roksolana magistrant Katedry Prawa Instytutu Wołyńskiego im. W. Łypynskiego Międzyregionalnej Akademii Zarządzania Personelem,

Anotation. The article deals with the most problematic issues related to the content of the fight against corruption in the sphere of the execution of punishments of Ukraine, and also scientifically substantiated measures aimed at improving the legal mechanism on the mentioned problems and blocking, neutralizing, eliminating the determinants conducive to the commission of corruption offenses. As practice shows, corruption is one of the significant problems affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of the criminal executive activity of Ukraine, the subject of which is staff of enforcement agencies and institutions. In particular, only in 2016 this category of subjects committed 40 corruption crimes. According to the note, to art. 45 of the Criminal Code (CC) of Ukraine, these include those that are defined in Art. Art. 191, 262, 308, 312, 313, 320, 357, 410 and committed by the abuse of official position, as well as in art. Art. 210, 354, 364, 361-1, 365- 2, 368, 368-2 СС and 5 administrative offenses of a corruption nature. Moreover, as established in the course of special scientific research, one of the determinants that determine the commission of these socially dangerous phenomena should be recognized as those gaps that occur in the Law of Ukraine "On the Prevention of Corruption". Thus, in the presence of a complex practical problem requiring solution, including at the scientific level, which was a decisive factor in the selection of the topic of this scientific article, as well as in determining its main task - the development of scientifically based ways to neutralize, block, eliminate , etc., the determinant that generates and causes the commission of corruption crimes and offenses in the sphere of execution of punishments of Ukraine.
Keywords: The article deals with the most problematic issues related to the content of the fight against corruption in the sphere of the execution of punishments of Ukraine, and also scientifically substantiated measures aimed at improving the legal mechanism on the mentioned problems and blocking, neutralizing, eliminating the determinants conducive to the commission of corruption offenses. As practice shows, corruption is one of the significant problems affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of the criminal executive activity of Ukraine, the subject of which is staff of enforcement agencies and institutions. In particular, only in 2016 this category of subjects committed 40 corruption crimes. According to the note, to art. 45 of the Criminal Code (CC) of Ukraine, these include those that are defined in Art. Art. 191, 262, 308, 312, 313, 320, 357, 410 and committed by the abuse of official position, as well as in art. Art. 210, 354, 364, 361-1, 365- 2, 368, 368-2 СС and 5 administrative offenses of a corruption nature. Moreover, as established in the course of special scientific research, one of the determinants that determine the commission of these socially dangerous phenomena should be recognized as those gaps that occur in the Law of Ukraine "On the Prevention of Corruption". Thus, in the presence of a complex practical problem requiring solution, including at the scientific level, which was a decisive factor in the selection of the topic of this scientific article, as well as in determining its main task - the development of scientifically based ways to neutralize, block, eliminate , etc., the determinant that generates and causes the commission of corruption crimes and offenses in the sphere of execution of punishments of Ukraine.


Violleta Fedchyshyna

doktor nauk ekonomicznych, profesor
profesor Katedry Działalności Operacyjno- Poszukiwawczej,
Uniwersytet Państwowej Służby Fiskalnej

Anotation. The article is devoted to the upgrading of the concepts of integration of scientific knowledge and integration function, integration of special economic knowledge branches and their tasks, systematization and reflection of accumulated knowledge, the search for other materials and facts of empirical data necessary for conducting economic examinations, which are naturally associated with maternal (basic) science Communication of integration function with explanatory, synthesizing, prognostic and others. The systematization and reflection of the accumulated knowledge, the search for other materials and facts, empirical data obtained during conducting various types and types of forensic examinations, the use of new methods are considered; expediency of the introduction and content of new branches of special economic knowledge - for example, tax, the peculiar subject of which is information about unlawful acts, which led to failure or improper performance of the established requirements of the Tax Code. It is emphasized on the need for their integration, organization and legislative regulation, on the settlement of special procedural documents in order to develop effective integrated approaches to the solution of economic expert tasks.
Keywords: The article is devoted to the upgrading of the concepts of integration of scientific knowledge and integration function, integration of special economic knowledge branches and their tasks, systematization and reflection of accumulated knowledge, the search for other materials and facts of empirical data necessary for conducting economic examinations, which are naturally associated with maternal (basic) science Communication of integration function with explanatory, synthesizing, prognostic and others. The systematization and reflection of the accumulated knowledge, the search for other materials and facts, empirical data obtained during conducting various types and types of forensic examinations, the use of new methods are considered; expediency of the introduction and content of new branches of special economic knowledge - for example, tax, the peculiar subject of which is information about unlawful acts, which led to failure or improper performance of the established requirements of the Tax Code. It is emphasized on the need for their integration, organization and legislative regulation, on the settlement of special procedural documents in order to develop effective integrated approaches to the solution of economic expert tasks.


Petro Husak, Tetyana Martynyuk

Husak Petro doktor habilitowany nauk pedagogicznych, profesor rierownik katedry Pedagogiki Społecznej oraz Pedagogiki Wyższej Szkoły Wschodnioeuropejskiego Uniwersytetu Narodowego imienia Łesi Ukrainki
Martynyuk Tetyana doktor nauk pedagogicznych, docent, docent katedry Pedagogiki Społecznej oraz Pedagogiki Wyższej Szkoły Wschodnioeuropejskiego Uniwersytetu Narodowego imienia Łesi Ukrainki

Anotation. The paper deals with the issue of the psychoactive substances use prevention and resocialization of juveniles convicted and the role of personal constructs in this process. It is proved that facing danger, threat or a challenging event motivates individuals, juveniles convicted, to adapt or reduce stress by use of coping strategies. Among the coping resources authors consider personal coping resources, in particular, perceived self-efficacy, a personal sense of control, and self- regulatory efficacy. From a social-cognitive viewpoint, the key ingredients of any psychological treatment in the psychoactive substances use prevention should be the identification of high-risk situations that stimulate psychoactive substances use, the development and cultivation of perceived self-efficacy, and the application of adequate coping strategies.
Keywords: The paper deals with the issue of the psychoactive substances use prevention and resocialization of juveniles convicted and the role of personal constructs in this process. It is proved that facing danger, threat or a challenging event motivates individuals, juveniles convicted, to adapt or reduce stress by use of coping strategies. Among the coping resources authors consider personal coping resources, in particular, perceived self-efficacy, a personal sense of control, and self- regulatory efficacy. From a social-cognitive viewpoint, the key ingredients of any psychological treatment in the psychoactive substances use prevention should be the identification of high-risk situations that stimulate psychoactive substances use, the development and cultivation of perceived self-efficacy, and the application of adequate coping strategies.


Ihor Ivanov

Winnicki Narodowy Uniwersytet Techniczny doktorant Otwartego Międzynarodowego Uniwersytetu Rozwój Człowieka "Ukraina"

Anotation. In the article legal maintenance and correlation of misconduct and crime are considered in obedience to a modern legal doctrine. Grounded, that replacement of terms "administrative crime" and "administrative responsibility" on "public offence" and "public responsibility" have large both theoretical and practical value. The concept of criminal misconduct is considered and it is marked pointlessness of increase of list of acts, for that a person, that accomplished them, will carry punishment. The algorithm of actions is offered in relation to the observance of vector of humanizing of punishment for the feasance of offence. Drawn conclusion about the necessity of creation of Law on bases of legislation and a background is thus certain of further development of legislation in accordance with changes that take place in society.
Keywords: In the article legal maintenance and correlation of misconduct and crime are considered in obedience to a modern legal doctrine. Grounded, that replacement of terms "administrative crime" and "administrative responsibility" on "public offence" and "public responsibility" have large both theoretical and practical value. The concept of criminal misconduct is considered and it is marked pointlessness of increase of list of acts, for that a person, that accomplished them, will carry punishment. The algorithm of actions is offered in relation to the observance of vector of humanizing of punishment for the feasance of offence. Drawn conclusion about the necessity of creation of Law on bases of legislation and a background is thus certain of further development of legislation in accordance with changes that take place in society.