Journal №7 (35) vol. 2 / 2020|KELM



Svitlana Lytovchenko

Candidate of Pedagogical Science (PhD), Senior Researcher, Head of the Department of Education of Children with Hearing Impairments
Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Education and Psychology of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0001-4667
Anotation. The article analyzes the state and features of early intervention for children with hearing impairments, identifies the stages and organizational forms of early care, the conditions of its effectiveness. The study clarified the essence of the concept of “early intervention for children with hearing impairments” as an interdisciplinary family-centered system of care for young children with hearing impairments (risks) of hearing, providing early hearing screening, audiology, hearing aids, individual support program and targeted to improve the child’s development (especially communication), improve the quality of life of the family. Given the specifics of the violation, the use of early intervention technology involves the variability of service delivery models (choice of the main means of communication, method of hearing aids, educational route). It is important to study international practice, the experience of countries with a long history and significant progress in early care for children with special educational needs.
Keywords: The article analyzes the state and features of early intervention for children with hearing impairments, identifies the stages and organizational forms of early care, the conditions of its effectiveness. The study clarified the essence of the concept of “early intervention for children with hearing impairments” as an interdisciplinary family-centered system of care for young children with hearing impairments (risks) of hearing, providing early hearing screening, audiology, hearing aids, individual support program and targeted to improve the child’s development (especially communication), improve the quality of life of the family. Given the specifics of the violation, the use of early intervention technology involves the variability of service delivery models (choice of the main means of communication, method of hearing aids, educational route). It is important to study international practice, the experience of countries with a long history and significant progress in early care for children with special educational needs.


Oleksandra Nazarenko

Postgraduate Student at the Department of Theory and History of Pedagogy Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Kyiv, Ukraine), Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communications
Institute of Personnel Training of the State Employment Service of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6352-6411
Anotation. The author has analyzed the fundamental documents governing the area of higher education, the Law “On higher education” of the Republic of Korea and the equivalent Ukrainian law, described the organizational and legal, financial and managerial bases of the higher education systems in both countries. The article compares and highlights both the similarities and the differences shaping the policy in the higher education area. Based on the above, a comparative table has been designed. The key elements of the higher education system stated in the regulatory documents have been identified and listed hereunder. Attention is paid to the main types of educational institutions as well as their purposes and objectives. In addition, the article is primarily focused on the educational process and the academic year structure, identifies and analyzes the core teaching methods and the educational process organization forms. The educational process participants have been studied in detail. The author has described the rights and obligations of all participants of the educational process in the higher education. The higher education teachers and the principles of their work have been depicted at all gradation levels. Academic credits, transfer of some separate components of the educational program, as well as other issues associated with studies in the higher education institutions have been disclosed by the author. The higher education levels and the specifics of education at each of the above have been discussed. Funding of the higher education institutions is a separate area of research in the paper. The author has addressed the funding procedure and the higher education subsidy plans. The article identifies the authority responsible for completion of the strategic financing plans, collection and processing of the statistical data, and submission of the final reports. The author exhibits the function of the head of a higher education institution as the key element in the managerial, organizational and economic activity of the above. The quality of higher education, the state collegiate bodies engaged in this area, their primary functions and objectives are in the focus of the study.
Keywords: The author has analyzed the fundamental documents governing the area of higher education, the Law “On higher education” of the Republic of Korea and the equivalent Ukrainian law, described the organizational and legal, financial and managerial bases of the higher education systems in both countries. The article compares and highlights both the similarities and the differences shaping the policy in the higher education area. Based on the above, a comparative table has been designed. The key elements of the higher education system stated in the regulatory documents have been identified and listed hereunder. Attention is paid to the main types of educational institutions as well as their purposes and objectives. In addition, the article is primarily focused on the educational process and the academic year structure, identifies and analyzes the core teaching methods and the educational process organization forms. The educational process participants have been studied in detail. The author has described the rights and obligations of all participants of the educational process in the higher education. The higher education teachers and the principles of their work have been depicted at all gradation levels. Academic credits, transfer of some separate components of the educational program, as well as other issues associated with studies in the higher education institutions have been disclosed by the author. The higher education levels and the specifics of education at each of the above have been discussed. Funding of the higher education institutions is a separate area of research in the paper. The author has addressed the funding procedure and the higher education subsidy plans. The article identifies the authority responsible for completion of the strategic financing plans, collection and processing of the statistical data, and submission of the final reports. The author exhibits the function of the head of a higher education institution as the key element in the managerial, organizational and economic activity of the above. The quality of higher education, the state collegiate bodies engaged in this area, their primary functions and objectives are in the focus of the study.


Xiong Yuxiang

Postgraduate Student
Institute of Philology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9940-2987
Anotation. This article introduces the history from the 1980s to the 1990s of cross-cultural communication studies in China and English-speaking countries and explores some of the Chinese people’s pragmatic failure in using English polite language. In the main chapter of the article, the author first lists the principles of English politeness terms and then compares some daily conversations between Chinese and English to try to analyze the causes of pragmatic errors. The main research methods of this article are documentation method and investigation method, including text analysis and comparative studies. The method of logical argument is induction. Through this article, we will see that to improve language communication skills, it is not only necessary to learn the correct expression of polite words in the language, but also to understand cultural differences and learn to use the language more appropriately.
Keywords: This article introduces the history from the 1980s to the 1990s of cross-cultural communication studies in China and English-speaking countries and explores some of the Chinese people’s pragmatic failure in using English polite language. In the main chapter of the article, the author first lists the principles of English politeness terms and then compares some daily conversations between Chinese and English to try to analyze the causes of pragmatic errors. The main research methods of this article are documentation method and investigation method, including text analysis and comparative studies. The method of logical argument is induction. Through this article, we will see that to improve language communication skills, it is not only necessary to learn the correct expression of polite words in the language, but also to understand cultural differences and learn to use the language more appropriately.


Oleksandr Khomenko

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Department of English Language of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting
Kyiv National Linguistic University (Kyiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2539-837X
Anotation. The relevance of the current paper is determined by the need to develop both the theoretical and methodological foundations for professional linguodidactics on the basis of interdisciplinary integration. The purpose of the paper is to present and substantiate the basic principles of modern professional linguodidactics as the tools for implementing innovative pedagogical ideas in the field of professionally oriented foreign language training. To achieve the goal of the study, a set of methods has been applied, in particular: analysis, generalization, as well as specification and systematization of theoretical knowledge. The approaches to defining the nomenclature of principles and disclosing their content have been analyzed. So the author has argued the selection of specific principles of professional linguodidactics having considered some psychological and pedagogical patterns of the students’ cognitive activity, specific goals and conditions for the implementation of professional foreign language training etc. The principles of professional linguodidactics should be relevant to modern conditions and features of the educational process in general and the process of professionally oriented foreign language training in higher education institutions in Ukraine, especially to the strategic goal of such training, i.e. the formation of professional linguistic personality. The presented principles of professional linguodidactics are allied to qualitative renewal of professionally oriented foreign language training of students who would qualitatively meet the accepted standards worldwide.
Keywords: The relevance of the current paper is determined by the need to develop both the theoretical and methodological foundations for professional linguodidactics on the basis of interdisciplinary integration. The purpose of the paper is to present and substantiate the basic principles of modern professional linguodidactics as the tools for implementing innovative pedagogical ideas in the field of professionally oriented foreign language training. To achieve the goal of the study, a set of methods has been applied, in particular: analysis, generalization, as well as specification and systematization of theoretical knowledge. The approaches to defining the nomenclature of principles and disclosing their content have been analyzed. So the author has argued the selection of specific principles of professional linguodidactics having considered some psychological and pedagogical patterns of the students’ cognitive activity, specific goals and conditions for the implementation of professional foreign language training etc. The principles of professional linguodidactics should be relevant to modern conditions and features of the educational process in general and the process of professionally oriented foreign language training in higher education institutions in Ukraine, especially to the strategic goal of such training, i.e. the formation of professional linguistic personality. The presented principles of professional linguodidactics are allied to qualitative renewal of professionally oriented foreign language training of students who would qualitatively meet the accepted standards worldwide.


Oksana Khomych

Postgraduate Student at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Kyiv, Ukraine), Teacher-Methodologist
Novopecherska School (Kyiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3695-4618
Anotation. The article discusses the main strategies of Canada’s multilevel educational policy for the training of primary school teachers in the history of the 1950s and 2010s. The essential characteristics of the regional level of educational policy and its influence on the changes in the organization, content, and technological support of the process of training primary school teachers in the province of Alberta are revealed. The strengthening of ties between educational institutions and public values in the jurisdiction of the provinces and state institutions has been established. The influence of state funding on the development of forms of teacher training, in accordance with the then priorities of state educational policy, has been clarified. In accordance with the stages identified and characterized by us in previous studies, it was found that the expert community, parents’ councils, local communities, and government officials (provinces) were involved in the formation of educational policy in the context of primary school teacher training. In the liberal educational environment of Canada at the time, charter schools were established by teachers, parents, or community organizations and operated in accordance with the charter in collaboration with a local or national authority. It was established that the educational policy also concerned the training, recruitment, and training of teachers. Strategies of institutional regulation of teacher preparation for work in primary classes, namely: recruitment and training of teachers, teacher education (primary and continuous), career education, employment and working conditions, motivation, incentives and rewards, teacher standards, school management are studied. According to the results of historical and pedagogical research, the educational policy of Canadian governments is revealed within certain chronological limits, aimed at overcoming the lack of professional staff, dominance of political and economic imperative in the formation of public educational policy, private sphere on multiculturalism, diversity and restructuring, demographic change.
Keywords: The article discusses the main strategies of Canada’s multilevel educational policy for the training of primary school teachers in the history of the 1950s and 2010s. The essential characteristics of the regional level of educational policy and its influence on the changes in the organization, content, and technological support of the process of training primary school teachers in the province of Alberta are revealed. The strengthening of ties between educational institutions and public values in the jurisdiction of the provinces and state institutions has been established. The influence of state funding on the development of forms of teacher training, in accordance with the then priorities of state educational policy, has been clarified. In accordance with the stages identified and characterized by us in previous studies, it was found that the expert community, parents’ councils, local communities, and government officials (provinces) were involved in the formation of educational policy in the context of primary school teacher training. In the liberal educational environment of Canada at the time, charter schools were established by teachers, parents, or community organizations and operated in accordance with the charter in collaboration with a local or national authority. It was established that the educational policy also concerned the training, recruitment, and training of teachers. Strategies of institutional regulation of teacher preparation for work in primary classes, namely: recruitment and training of teachers, teacher education (primary and continuous), career education, employment and working conditions, motivation, incentives and rewards, teacher standards, school management are studied. According to the results of historical and pedagogical research, the educational policy of Canadian governments is revealed within certain chronological limits, aimed at overcoming the lack of professional staff, dominance of political and economic imperative in the formation of public educational policy, private sphere on multiculturalism, diversity and restructuring, demographic change.


Olena Chebotarova

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of the Department of Education of Children with Intellectual Disabilities
Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4560-3708
Anotation. The article presents the main results of an experimental study on the development and implementation of a methodological system of labor training of students with complex disorders, which combine motor and intellectual disorders. The author presents the pedagogical content of the methodical system of labor training, components and mechanisms of its provision, describes the stages of labor training, performance indicators for each of them. Emphasis on the formation of work competence in students as an integrated indicator that reflects their ability to use subjectpractical knowledge, skills, and abilities in practical life was placed. The components of labor competence of students with complex developmental disorders, data on their formation in students according to selected indicators at the main stages of labor education at school are presented. The technological component of the methodical system is described. It consists of pedagogical technology of labor training of students, which provides the optimal dynamics of development of their labor activity in the school system.
Keywords: The article presents the main results of an experimental study on the development and implementation of a methodological system of labor training of students with complex disorders, which combine motor and intellectual disorders. The author presents the pedagogical content of the methodical system of labor training, components and mechanisms of its provision, describes the stages of labor training, performance indicators for each of them. Emphasis on the formation of work competence in students as an integrated indicator that reflects their ability to use subjectpractical knowledge, skills, and abilities in practical life was placed. The components of labor competence of students with complex developmental disorders, data on their formation in students according to selected indicators at the main stages of labor education at school are presented. The technological component of the methodical system is described. It consists of pedagogical technology of labor training of students, which provides the optimal dynamics of development of their labor activity in the school system.


Olena Chekhratova, Olena Sharapova

Olena Chekhratova, Postgraduate Student at the Department of Pedagogy, Foreign Philology and Translation Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Olena Sharapova, Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogy, Foreign Philology and Translation Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7022-2042, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8397-7655
Anotation. The article deals with the question of fostering learner autonomy. The terms “student-centered learning” and “learner autonomy” are considered. The following levels of learner autonomy are distinguished: teacher-dependent level, group level, individual level. The qualimetric model of learner autonomy formation of future foreign language teachers is presented. It considers the factors which influence fostering learner autonomy, as well as its components and main elements. Both students and teachers are offered to use the model in the process of professional training. Further, the levels of learner autonomy are clarified based on the qualimetric model. It is assumed that such a model may help in the professional training of future teachers of a foreign language. With the help of the qualimetric model, students may monitor and control their own study, analyze and correct individual educational path, and achieve their educational goals. The results of a survey conducted at H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University are presented. The results highlight the levels of learner autonomy among 2nd year students of the major Secondary Education (English Language and Literature).
Keywords: The article deals with the question of fostering learner autonomy. The terms “student-centered learning” and “learner autonomy” are considered. The following levels of learner autonomy are distinguished: teacher-dependent level, group level, individual level. The qualimetric model of learner autonomy formation of future foreign language teachers is presented. It considers the factors which influence fostering learner autonomy, as well as its components and main elements. Both students and teachers are offered to use the model in the process of professional training. Further, the levels of learner autonomy are clarified based on the qualimetric model. It is assumed that such a model may help in the professional training of future teachers of a foreign language. With the help of the qualimetric model, students may monitor and control their own study, analyze and correct individual educational path, and achieve their educational goals. The results of a survey conducted at H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University are presented. The results highlight the levels of learner autonomy among 2nd year students of the major Secondary Education (English Language and Literature).


Maryna Shkoda

Postgraduate Student at the Faculty of Pedagogical and Social Education
V.O. Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv National University (Mykolaiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6119-1056
Anotation. The article examines the particular directions, new strategies and language policy at the primary level in Ukraine. It elucidates the main trends of a key reform of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “The New Ukrainian School”. The main principles of the school education reform are set out in the New Ukrainian School Concept. They are based on, but not limited to, the Recommendations of the European Parliament and of the European Council, on key competencies for lifelong learning. Key competencies are those that everyone needs for personal fulfillment, development, an active role in the community, social involvement, and employment, and that can secure personal attainment and self-actualization throughout life. The article explores the competency-based English teaching and learning approach in primary school: communication in the national language (and mother tongue, if different), communication in foreign languages, mathematical literacy, competencies in Science and Technology, ICT and digital competencies, lifelong learning skill, sense of entrepreneurship, social and civic competencies, cultural awareness, environmental awareness and healthy lifestyles. The author also singles out the main content lines and the ways of integrating the learning subject “Foreign languages” with the other learning branches of primary school in the context of “New Ukrainian School” concept.
Keywords: The article examines the particular directions, new strategies and language policy at the primary level in Ukraine. It elucidates the main trends of a key reform of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “The New Ukrainian School”. The main principles of the school education reform are set out in the New Ukrainian School Concept. They are based on, but not limited to, the Recommendations of the European Parliament and of the European Council, on key competencies for lifelong learning. Key competencies are those that everyone needs for personal fulfillment, development, an active role in the community, social involvement, and employment, and that can secure personal attainment and self-actualization throughout life. The article explores the competency-based English teaching and learning approach in primary school: communication in the national language (and mother tongue, if different), communication in foreign languages, mathematical literacy, competencies in Science and Technology, ICT and digital competencies, lifelong learning skill, sense of entrepreneurship, social and civic competencies, cultural awareness, environmental awareness and healthy lifestyles. The author also singles out the main content lines and the ways of integrating the learning subject “Foreign languages” with the other learning branches of primary school in the context of “New Ukrainian School” concept.


Myroslava Shumylo

Postgraduate Student at the Department of Pedagogy and Innovative Education Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine), Senior Lecturer at the Department of Latin and Foreign Languages
Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (Lviv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2221-913X
Anotation. The article presents perspectives of reforming higher medical education in Ukraine based on European and American standards. The main goals to be accomplished until 2025 include: to improve the quality of medical education; to renew the content of education based on achievement of modern medical education and evidence-based medicine. Therefore, new standards of education, taking into consideration recommendations of World Federation of Medical Education, should be elaborated, discussed and officially approved. The aim of reforms in higher education is creation of unified criteria, methodologies and control systems as well as mutual recognition of diplomas on higher education, promotion of students’ and lecturers’ academic mobility. In 2017, a number of reforming laws were adopted in Ukraine aimed at transforming the system of health care in Ukraine. These innovations confirm the importance of increasing entrance requirements for applicants to higher medical educational establishments.
Keywords: The article presents perspectives of reforming higher medical education in Ukraine based on European and American standards. The main goals to be accomplished until 2025 include: to improve the quality of medical education; to renew the content of education based on achievement of modern medical education and evidence-based medicine. Therefore, new standards of education, taking into consideration recommendations of World Federation of Medical Education, should be elaborated, discussed and officially approved. The aim of reforms in higher education is creation of unified criteria, methodologies and control systems as well as mutual recognition of diplomas on higher education, promotion of students’ and lecturers’ academic mobility. In 2017, a number of reforming laws were adopted in Ukraine aimed at transforming the system of health care in Ukraine. These innovations confirm the importance of increasing entrance requirements for applicants to higher medical educational establishments.


Yue Hu

Postgraduate Student at the Faculty of Primary Education
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky (Odesa, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9651-090X
Anotation. The article is devoted to the topical problem of training of future teachers of fine arts for design activity by means of project technologies. The rapid change in socio-cultural conditions at the global, regional and national levels necessitates appropriate changes in the training of students in higher education institutions, and hence the need to introduce innovative approaches to building an effective, holistic education system. It is innovation processes that contribute, first of all, to the preservation of values, and at the same time bring the rejection of everything obsolete, thus laying the foundations for social change. Due to this, there is an urgent need to study and analyze the theoretical foundations of project technologies in the design activities of future teachers of fine arts. The article reveals new requirements for the training of teachers of fine arts, due to the reform of national education. Understanding the concepts of “training”, “professional training”, “training of future teachers of fine arts” made it possible to consider the essence of innovative pedagogical activities of teachers of fine arts as a holistic system of generating of general pedagogical and special knowledge, skills of students, their ability to artistic and pedagogical activities . Consideration of the concepts “design activity”, “project technologies” made it possible to find out that design is an integral part of the project development, where the use of project technologies activates cognitive activity of students, develops skills to construct their knowledge, ability to navigate in the information space, critical thinking actively develops, motivation in relation to the chosen sphere of professional activity increases.
Keywords: The article is devoted to the topical problem of training of future teachers of fine arts for design activity by means of project technologies. The rapid change in socio-cultural conditions at the global, regional and national levels necessitates appropriate changes in the training of students in higher education institutions, and hence the need to introduce innovative approaches to building an effective, holistic education system. It is innovation processes that contribute, first of all, to the preservation of values, and at the same time bring the rejection of everything obsolete, thus laying the foundations for social change. Due to this, there is an urgent need to study and analyze the theoretical foundations of project technologies in the design activities of future teachers of fine arts. The article reveals new requirements for the training of teachers of fine arts, due to the reform of national education. Understanding the concepts of “training”, “professional training”, “training of future teachers of fine arts” made it possible to consider the essence of innovative pedagogical activities of teachers of fine arts as a holistic system of generating of general pedagogical and special knowledge, skills of students, their ability to artistic and pedagogical activities . Consideration of the concepts “design activity”, “project technologies” made it possible to find out that design is an integral part of the project development, where the use of project technologies activates cognitive activity of students, develops skills to construct their knowledge, ability to navigate in the information space, critical thinking actively develops, motivation in relation to the chosen sphere of professional activity increases.


Liu Xuena

Postgraduate Student at the Department of English Philology of the Faculty of Foreign Philology
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2160-4271
Anotation. In the article the author highlights the linguistic categorization of modern cyber-neologisms. The use of categories in language is quite common. The basis of cognitive linguistics is categorization. The research focuses on the generalization of types of word formation. Cyber-neologisms are the undisputed leaders of neologisms and require careful study of their categories. The study of derivation focuses mainly on prefixes and suffixes as well as the semantics and functions of affixes. In terms of word formation, cyber-neologisms are fully connected to the virtual space to create amazing words, phrases and sentences with ingenious ideas and technologies. Therefore, the question arises about the systematization and generalization of the layer of cyber formations according to specific criteria and classifications. Our study is designed to investigate cyber-neologisms and attempt to systematize existing cyber-neologisms by studying their semantic component.
Keywords: In the article the author highlights the linguistic categorization of modern cyber-neologisms. The use of categories in language is quite common. The basis of cognitive linguistics is categorization. The research focuses on the generalization of types of word formation. Cyber-neologisms are the undisputed leaders of neologisms and require careful study of their categories. The study of derivation focuses mainly on prefixes and suffixes as well as the semantics and functions of affixes. In terms of word formation, cyber-neologisms are fully connected to the virtual space to create amazing words, phrases and sentences with ingenious ideas and technologies. Therefore, the question arises about the systematization and generalization of the layer of cyber formations according to specific criteria and classifications. Our study is designed to investigate cyber-neologisms and attempt to systematize existing cyber-neologisms by studying their semantic component.


Anna Martakova, Illia Yashchenko

Anna Martakova, Senior Lecturer at the Language Testing Service of the Language Department National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Illia Yashchenko, Senior Lecture at the Language Training Service of the Language Department National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3373-7706, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6007-5237
Anotation. The article is devoted to the study of the influence on the process and result of translation of extralinguistic factors – сomponents of the communicative situation with the use of translation. Recourse to the study of such influence and its result, “immersion” of the translation act as an object of translation research in the situation of real translation activity marks the final formation in translation studies of a communicative-functional approach that opposes the traditional one. The main provisions and stages of formation of the communicative-functional approach in western translation studies are given.
Keywords: The article is devoted to the study of the influence on the process and result of translation of extralinguistic factors – сomponents of the communicative situation with the use of translation. Recourse to the study of such influence and its result, “immersion” of the translation act as an object of translation research in the situation of real translation activity marks the final formation in translation studies of a communicative-functional approach that opposes the traditional one. The main provisions and stages of formation of the communicative-functional approach in western translation studies are given.

SATIRICAL PROSE WITH ELEMENTS OF PICARESQUEThe article contains a comparative study of the images of the protagonists, plot, chronotope and ideological and satirical content of the leading novels by Muriel Spark and Oleh Chornohuz – “Ballad of Peckham Rye” and “The Aristocrat from Vapnyarka”. These novels have specific similar features: the chronotope of the road and the topos of the city, the grotesque-satirical depiction of the social present-day realities such as the pursuit of money, the dominance of bureaucracy, the hypocrisy of the townspeople and the limitations of their spiritual world. The archetype of a swindler / trickster is manifested in the images of the protagonists of these novels, what unites these works with the picaresque genre.

Nadiia Nazarenko

Candidate of Philology Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the English Philology Department
Mariupol State University (Mariupol, Donetsk region, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7714-6214
Anotation. The article contains a comparative study of the images of the protagonists, plot, chronotope and ideological and satirical content of the leading novels by Muriel Spark and Oleh Chornohuz – “Ballad of Peckham Rye” and “The Aristocrat from Vapnyarka”. These novels have specific similar features: the chronotope of the road and the topos of the city, the grotesque-satirical depiction of the social present-day realities such as the pursuit of money, the dominance of bureaucracy, the hypocrisy of the townspeople and the limitations of their spiritual world. The archetype of a swindler / trickster is manifested in the images of the protagonists of these novels, what unites these works with the picaresque genre.
Keywords: The article contains a comparative study of the images of the protagonists, plot, chronotope and ideological and satirical content of the leading novels by Muriel Spark and Oleh Chornohuz – “Ballad of Peckham Rye” and “The Aristocrat from Vapnyarka”. These novels have specific similar features: the chronotope of the road and the topos of the city, the grotesque-satirical depiction of the social present-day realities such as the pursuit of money, the dominance of bureaucracy, the hypocrisy of the townspeople and the limitations of their spiritual world. The archetype of a swindler / trickster is manifested in the images of the protagonists of these novels, what unites these works with the picaresque genre.


Viktoriia Nikichuk

Postgraduate Student at the Department of History of Ukraine
Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University (Odesa, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2761-0223
Anotation. In the article on the basis of scientific periodicals of Odessa of the XIX – the beginning of the XX century the main tendencies of development of historical geography of Ukraine are characterized. The main periodicals of scientific institutions are analyzed – “Notes of the Imperial Novorossiysk University”, “Notes of the Imperial Odessa Society of History and Antiquities”, “Notes of the Odessa Imperial Society of Agriculture of Southern Russia”. The main thematic areas of historical and geographical research of Odessa scholars are determined – historical political geography, historical geography of the population, historical topography of cities and monasteries, historical physical geography. The contribution of Odessa researchers to the development of historical geography of Ukraine is described.
Keywords: In the article on the basis of scientific periodicals of Odessa of the XIX – the beginning of the XX century the main tendencies of development of historical geography of Ukraine are characterized. The main periodicals of scientific institutions are analyzed – “Notes of the Imperial Novorossiysk University”, “Notes of the Imperial Odessa Society of History and Antiquities”, “Notes of the Odessa Imperial Society of Agriculture of Southern Russia”. The main thematic areas of historical and geographical research of Odessa scholars are determined – historical political geography, historical geography of the population, historical topography of cities and monasteries, historical physical geography. The contribution of Odessa researchers to the development of historical geography of Ukraine is described.


Olga Sylka

Lecturer at the Department of International Relations and Tourism
Kyiv International University (Kyiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4694-8310
Anotation. The article examines the identity of a minor offender, his social and psychological characteristics. The social and economic causes of crimes committed by children are determined. Examples of unemployment of minors and violations of public order are given. The main measures of the Soviet government in the field of crime prevention among homeless children, search for children, creation of an agency network, ideological work are revealed. Statistics on the number and types of crimes committed by minors, as well as examples of them. A comparison of juvenile delinquency in the western and eastern regions of the USSR and its features. Statistical methods, system analysis and structuring are used. In particular, a conclusion was made about the effectiveness of the authorities in preventing and overcoming juvenile delinquency in 1942–1945.
Keywords: The article examines the identity of a minor offender, his social and psychological characteristics. The social and economic causes of crimes committed by children are determined. Examples of unemployment of minors and violations of public order are given. The main measures of the Soviet government in the field of crime prevention among homeless children, search for children, creation of an agency network, ideological work are revealed. Statistics on the number and types of crimes committed by minors, as well as examples of them. A comparison of juvenile delinquency in the western and eastern regions of the USSR and its features. Statistical methods, system analysis and structuring are used. In particular, a conclusion was made about the effectiveness of the authorities in preventing and overcoming juvenile delinquency in 1942–1945.


Anna Chyzhevska

Postgraduate Student at the Department of World Literature
Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University (Poltava, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7376-9430
Anotation. In the provisions of scientific article considers the influence of the English writer W. Thackeray on the development of the European novel as a literary genre. The article is based on the comparative-historical method, the application of which allows to take into account the cultural-historical context of the artist's works, highlight his innovative ideas, techniques, images, analyze their further transformations in the development of European literature and influence on the new art genre. In particular, it is noted that the English literature of the XIX century activated the genre of the novel (works of the era of E. Bulver-Lytton, B. Disraeli, F. Merriat, C. Kingsley, Ch. Dickens, the Bronte sisters, E. Gaskell, W. Collins, M. Shelley, J. Austen, J. Merredit, etc.), moreover, English novelists showed the truth of the narration and the objectivity of the image, introducing new forms and modes of artistic conventionality. It is also noted that W. Thackeray, taking into account the best traditions of the Enlightenment, supplemented the genre of the novel with elements of journalism, direct controversy with existing ideas and literary preferences, introduced elements of parody, satire, theater, pantomime into the realistic structure of the story. Lyrical digressions and accurate psychological comments of the author created a three-dimensional picture of the characters, which harmoniously combines the display of external actions with the reproduction of their internal state. A study of W. Thackeray's later novels shows that the writer deepened his own methods of psychological analysis, involving himself into the implementation of his main task: social critique of reality. It is claimed, that W. Thackeray updated the traditional structure of the novel with an original manner of narration, which is completely full of author's thoughts and comments, ironic coloring, subjective psychology and ontopsychology, including the sociohistorical determination for the further directions of the novel of the XX century.
Keywords: In the provisions of scientific article considers the influence of the English writer W. Thackeray on the development of the European novel as a literary genre. The article is based on the comparative-historical method, the application of which allows to take into account the cultural-historical context of the artist's works, highlight his innovative ideas, techniques, images, analyze their further transformations in the development of European literature and influence on the new art genre. In particular, it is noted that the English literature of the XIX century activated the genre of the novel (works of the era of E. Bulver-Lytton, B. Disraeli, F. Merriat, C. Kingsley, Ch. Dickens, the Bronte sisters, E. Gaskell, W. Collins, M. Shelley, J. Austen, J. Merredit, etc.), moreover, English novelists showed the truth of the narration and the objectivity of the image, introducing new forms and modes of artistic conventionality. It is also noted that W. Thackeray, taking into account the best traditions of the Enlightenment, supplemented the genre of the novel with elements of journalism, direct controversy with existing ideas and literary preferences, introduced elements of parody, satire, theater, pantomime into the realistic structure of the story. Lyrical digressions and accurate psychological comments of the author created a three-dimensional picture of the characters, which harmoniously combines the display of external actions with the reproduction of their internal state. A study of W. Thackeray's later novels shows that the writer deepened his own methods of psychological analysis, involving himself into the implementation of his main task: social critique of reality. It is claimed, that W. Thackeray updated the traditional structure of the novel with an original manner of narration, which is completely full of author's thoughts and comments, ironic coloring, subjective psychology and ontopsychology, including the sociohistorical determination for the further directions of the novel of the XX century.


Yevhen Yurash

Postgraduate Student at the Department of History of Ukraine
Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University (Odesa, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8866-225X
Anotation. The article covers the activities of the Odessa Committee of the Guardianship Society for Prisons in the field of improving the conditions of detention. The Committee's five main areas are to improve the conditions of detention, to provide prisoners with food and clothing, to improve the facilities for detainees, to equip hospitals and pharmacies in prisons, and to educate and educate them. It was found that the activity of the Odessa Committee of the Trust Society was positively evaluated and repeatedly became a model for other Committees.
Keywords: The article covers the activities of the Odessa Committee of the Guardianship Society for Prisons in the field of improving the conditions of detention. The Committee's five main areas are to improve the conditions of detention, to provide prisoners with food and clothing, to improve the facilities for detainees, to equip hospitals and pharmacies in prisons, and to educate and educate them. It was found that the activity of the Odessa Committee of the Trust Society was positively evaluated and repeatedly became a model for other Committees.


Kateryna Nastoyashcha

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Postdoctoral Student at the Department of History and Theory of Sociology
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2338-9448
Anotation. The aim of the study is to analyse the processes of reproduction in everyday life of discursive practices, which requires an interdisciplinary approach, within the framework of the synthesis of knowledge accumulated in the theory of practices, sociology of everyday life, psychology of consciousness and psycholinguistics. The study procedure involves the analysis of generic attributions of everyday practices and determining the features of discursive practices. In this context, such characteristics as backgroundness and latency of everyday practices are described, the specifics of the reflection of the processes of routine actions at the level of the actor’s consciousness are analyzed. To analyze individual consciousness, the author turns to the concept of levels of consciousness by E. Giddens and the concept of reflexive monitoring also introduced by him, comparing these concepts with the knowledge accumulated in psychology, in particular in aspect of justifying the place and role of stereotypes and attitudes in the process of perception and reproduction of information and everyday practices. As a result, based on the analysis of the characteristics of human consciousness, the specificity of the reproduction of discursive practices in the everyday life of an actor is analyzed and described. Based on the study, it is concluded that after the processes of rationalization and standardization, the stereotype, as a mental cliché of the algorithm of action, becomes an element of the actor’s habitual scenario, and the reproduction of practices, according to the accepted pattern, is the object of reflexive monitoring. Due to this, the reproduction of everyday discursive practices can last latently, backgroundly for the actor, which is determined both by the specifics of everyday practices as such and the role of stereotype in the individual consciousness of the actor, which, in turn, affects the nature of perception and reproduction of everyday discursive practices.
Keywords: The aim of the study is to analyse the processes of reproduction in everyday life of discursive practices, which requires an interdisciplinary approach, within the framework of the synthesis of knowledge accumulated in the theory of practices, sociology of everyday life, psychology of consciousness and psycholinguistics. The study procedure involves the analysis of generic attributions of everyday practices and determining the features of discursive practices. In this context, such characteristics as backgroundness and latency of everyday practices are described, the specifics of the reflection of the processes of routine actions at the level of the actor’s consciousness are analyzed. To analyze individual consciousness, the author turns to the concept of levels of consciousness by E. Giddens and the concept of reflexive monitoring also introduced by him, comparing these concepts with the knowledge accumulated in psychology, in particular in aspect of justifying the place and role of stereotypes and attitudes in the process of perception and reproduction of information and everyday practices. As a result, based on the analysis of the characteristics of human consciousness, the specificity of the reproduction of discursive practices in the everyday life of an actor is analyzed and described. Based on the study, it is concluded that after the processes of rationalization and standardization, the stereotype, as a mental cliché of the algorithm of action, becomes an element of the actor’s habitual scenario, and the reproduction of practices, according to the accepted pattern, is the object of reflexive monitoring. Due to this, the reproduction of everyday discursive practices can last latently, backgroundly for the actor, which is determined both by the specifics of everyday practices as such and the role of stereotype in the individual consciousness of the actor, which, in turn, affects the nature of perception and reproduction of everyday discursive practices.


Natalia Ryzhkova

Adjunct at the Department of Military Psychology and Pedagogy Military Institute
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6408-355X
Anotation. The article presents the results of a study on the problem of emotional burnout of servicemen of engineering troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The author used theoretical (content analysis of scientific sources); empirical (observational and formative experiments; testing); methods of mathematical statistics (Fisher’s angular transformation, G-criterion of signs, correlation analysis, U Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test U, Kruskal-Wallis H-test, z-Kolmogorov- Smirnov criterion, Pyrson correlation coefficient). Based on the results of the ascertaining stage of the empirical research, a program of psychoprophylaxis of emotional burnout of servicemen was developed and substantiated, based on the provisions on increasing their personal resources (competence in professional communication and interaction), creativity, creativity, creativity. conscious change, which is defined as a conscious activity of the subject of interaction, which is aimed at harmonizing their personal and professional life. Comparative analysis of the results of diagnostics of the control and experimental groups after the formative experiment testifies to the effectiveness of the author’s program. Thus, the author’s program that changes the system of professional knowledge and motivation of servicemen, forming in them new ideas about professional deformations of personality as a manifestation of professional stagnation, forms a new need for self-development of the individual in order to maintain professional health and spiritual well-being. In this direction as a subject of conscious changes of one’s own personality, as well as developing professional reflection. Prospects for further research in the chosen direction are the study of risks of professional activity of servicemen, which can provoke the appearance and development of emotional burnout, improvement of psychological tools of preventive diagnostics and psychotechnologies of prevention systems, training of future specialists for professional activity.
Keywords: The article presents the results of a study on the problem of emotional burnout of servicemen of engineering troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The author used theoretical (content analysis of scientific sources); empirical (observational and formative experiments; testing); methods of mathematical statistics (Fisher’s angular transformation, G-criterion of signs, correlation analysis, U Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test U, Kruskal-Wallis H-test, z-Kolmogorov- Smirnov criterion, Pyrson correlation coefficient). Based on the results of the ascertaining stage of the empirical research, a program of psychoprophylaxis of emotional burnout of servicemen was developed and substantiated, based on the provisions on increasing their personal resources (competence in professional communication and interaction), creativity, creativity, creativity. conscious change, which is defined as a conscious activity of the subject of interaction, which is aimed at harmonizing their personal and professional life. Comparative analysis of the results of diagnostics of the control and experimental groups after the formative experiment testifies to the effectiveness of the author’s program. Thus, the author’s program that changes the system of professional knowledge and motivation of servicemen, forming in them new ideas about professional deformations of personality as a manifestation of professional stagnation, forms a new need for self-development of the individual in order to maintain professional health and spiritual well-being. In this direction as a subject of conscious changes of one’s own personality, as well as developing professional reflection. Prospects for further research in the chosen direction are the study of risks of professional activity of servicemen, which can provoke the appearance and development of emotional burnout, improvement of psychological tools of preventive diagnostics and psychotechnologies of prevention systems, training of future specialists for professional activity.


Olena Soroka

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Navigation and Management Department
Danube Institute of National University “Odessa Marine Academy” (Izmail, Odesa region, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1637-3437
Anotation. The article outlines the results of the content analysis of psychological workets devoted to the study of professional activity of maritime transport specialists in the context of its stressogenicity. In particular, it is noted that sailors live and work in specific conditions that are associated with social and physical constraints, prolonged separation from the usual (coastal) environment and social environment. There are a number of working conditions that put the profession of sailor in the extreme category: relative social isolation, sensory and sexual deprivation, a watch method of work, frequent change in climatic conditions and temporary zones, expectations of emergency situations, etc. In the process of activity on the personality of the seaman, the seamen will be negative influence: closed space as territorial and communicative; limited possibility of moving; sensory and information deprivation; lack of days off. Expectations of possible emergencies and natural cataclysms form a sailor a sense of fear for his own life. The sailor is in conditions of double stress: the deficit of stimuli as a result of partial sensory isolation, monotony of impressions during the watch, especially at night, and their excess in difficult swimming conditions. The seaman does not have the opportunity to move from a stressful situation to normal rest conditions. While there is a device to one type of stress, the other continues to cause mental tension. This leads to the fact that a person is in a state of constant stress. An increase in the relative risk of mortality, early retirement and mental disorders, is largely due to the specific conditions of human work in the sea and stress factors of the ship environment.
Keywords: The article outlines the results of the content analysis of psychological workets devoted to the study of professional activity of maritime transport specialists in the context of its stressogenicity. In particular, it is noted that sailors live and work in specific conditions that are associated with social and physical constraints, prolonged separation from the usual (coastal) environment and social environment. There are a number of working conditions that put the profession of sailor in the extreme category: relative social isolation, sensory and sexual deprivation, a watch method of work, frequent change in climatic conditions and temporary zones, expectations of emergency situations, etc. In the process of activity on the personality of the seaman, the seamen will be negative influence: closed space as territorial and communicative; limited possibility of moving; sensory and information deprivation; lack of days off. Expectations of possible emergencies and natural cataclysms form a sailor a sense of fear for his own life. The sailor is in conditions of double stress: the deficit of stimuli as a result of partial sensory isolation, monotony of impressions during the watch, especially at night, and their excess in difficult swimming conditions. The seaman does not have the opportunity to move from a stressful situation to normal rest conditions. While there is a device to one type of stress, the other continues to cause mental tension. This leads to the fact that a person is in a state of constant stress. An increase in the relative risk of mortality, early retirement and mental disorders, is largely due to the specific conditions of human work in the sea and stress factors of the ship environment.


Oleg Melnychuk

Candidate of Law
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8988-1462
Anotation. The paper, firstly, examines the classifications of models of relations between the state and the church, secondly, a critical analysis of modern classifications of models of relations between the state and the church, and thirdly, considered current trends to change the model of state-church relations in Ukraine. It was found that the national legislation establishes a separation model of relations between the state and the church, because the Constitution of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations” provide, first, equality of all religious organizations before the law, and secondly, the absence of the state material support to religious organizations, thirdly, non-interference of the state in the internal affairs of the church, fourthly, the exclusion of the church from the performance of state functions and, fifthly, the implementation of religious education exclusively in non-state educational institutions. It is concluded that today there are two important factors that necessitate changes in relations between the state and the church in general in Europe and directly in Ukraine: 1) the essence of the state as a political-territorial organization of society, as well as its role in public life, human development and protection population; 2) the church and its place and role in society have changed.
Keywords: The paper, firstly, examines the classifications of models of relations between the state and the church, secondly, a critical analysis of modern classifications of models of relations between the state and the church, and thirdly, considered current trends to change the model of state-church relations in Ukraine. It was found that the national legislation establishes a separation model of relations between the state and the church, because the Constitution of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations” provide, first, equality of all religious organizations before the law, and secondly, the absence of the state material support to religious organizations, thirdly, non-interference of the state in the internal affairs of the church, fourthly, the exclusion of the church from the performance of state functions and, fifthly, the implementation of religious education exclusively in non-state educational institutions. It is concluded that today there are two important factors that necessitate changes in relations between the state and the church in general in Europe and directly in Ukraine: 1) the essence of the state as a political-territorial organization of society, as well as its role in public life, human development and protection population; 2) the church and its place and role in society have changed.


Alina Mishchenko

Postgraduate Student at the Department of Constitutional Law and Human Rights
National Academy of Internal Affairs (Kyiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2578-510X
Anotation. The article considers the current problems of the implementation of socio-economic human rights in connection with their constitutional and legal limitations, the reasons for their occurrence are examined. The article presents the position of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in matters of regulation of relations directly related to the constitutional and legal limitations of socio-economic human rights. The opinions of leading constitutional scientist on certain cases of restriction of socio-economic rights are presented. Using empirical research methods, the author will try to assess the real situation of socio-economic human rights, which will further help to identify priority areas for improving the ukrainian legal system and national legislation on the way to european integration. According to the results of the research, the main problem with the constitutionality limitations of socio-economic human rights is that government officials ambiguously interpret and apply legal norms. This leads to exceeding the limits of permissible limitations or to illegally narrow the content of rights.
Keywords: The article considers the current problems of the implementation of socio-economic human rights in connection with their constitutional and legal limitations, the reasons for their occurrence are examined. The article presents the position of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in matters of regulation of relations directly related to the constitutional and legal limitations of socio-economic human rights. The opinions of leading constitutional scientist on certain cases of restriction of socio-economic rights are presented. Using empirical research methods, the author will try to assess the real situation of socio-economic human rights, which will further help to identify priority areas for improving the ukrainian legal system and national legislation on the way to european integration. According to the results of the research, the main problem with the constitutionality limitations of socio-economic human rights is that government officials ambiguously interpret and apply legal norms. This leads to exceeding the limits of permissible limitations or to illegally narrow the content of rights.


Hanna Pachevska

Applicant at the Department of Theory of State and Law
National Academy of Internal Affairs (Kyiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7884-8851
Anotation. The rule of law, democracy and human rights are a triad of European legal values of a democratic state, including Ukraine. In the modern world the democracy of the state and society is determined primarily by the level of development of the people’s power: the extent to which the will of the people is expressed and implementation influence the management of public and public affairs. This is why the article analyzes the essence of the phenomenon of the institution of direct democracy and defines its current state. Various scientific approaches to the delineation and interpretation of the definition of direct democracy analysed in detail through descriptive and comparable analyses; at the same time, the author’s clarification of the definition, which is based on the analysis of different points of view of scientist to define this category, has been proposed. In addition, the legal and regulatory framework in Ukraine is described and certain shortcomings identified.
Keywords: The rule of law, democracy and human rights are a triad of European legal values of a democratic state, including Ukraine. In the modern world the democracy of the state and society is determined primarily by the level of development of the people’s power: the extent to which the will of the people is expressed and implementation influence the management of public and public affairs. This is why the article analyzes the essence of the phenomenon of the institution of direct democracy and defines its current state. Various scientific approaches to the delineation and interpretation of the definition of direct democracy analysed in detail through descriptive and comparable analyses; at the same time, the author’s clarification of the definition, which is based on the analysis of different points of view of scientist to define this category, has been proposed. In addition, the legal and regulatory framework in Ukraine is described and certain shortcomings identified.


Oleksii Pieshyi

Applicant of the degree of Candidate of Law Science
Research Institute of Public Law (Kyiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2533-4299
Anotation. The scientific publication is devoted to the forms of activity of the Ministry of development of communities and territories of Ukraine. The conclusion is formulated that it is advisable to divide the forms of activity of the ministry into four groups: legal forms of activity (rule-making, law enforcement, constituent, control and supervisory and interpretative activities), organizational (administrative, economic and organizational and administrative activities), information and communication forms of activity. The research methodology is based on an organic combination of philosophical, general scientific and special legal methods. It is noted that the forms of activity of the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development are regulated by the current legislation, in particular, the Law of Ukraine “On Central Executive Bodies” and the current Regulation on the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine. In addition, the forms of activity of the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories correspond to the tasks of any ministry, which are defined in Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine “On Central Executive Bodies”, according to which the main tasks of the Ministry as an authority that provides for the formation and implementation of state policy in one or more areas are: ensuring regulatory and legal regulation; definition of priority directions of development; informing and clarifying public policy; generalization of the practice of application of legislation, development of proposals for its improvement and drafting of legislative acts in the established order.
Keywords: The scientific publication is devoted to the forms of activity of the Ministry of development of communities and territories of Ukraine. The conclusion is formulated that it is advisable to divide the forms of activity of the ministry into four groups: legal forms of activity (rule-making, law enforcement, constituent, control and supervisory and interpretative activities), organizational (administrative, economic and organizational and administrative activities), information and communication forms of activity. The research methodology is based on an organic combination of philosophical, general scientific and special legal methods. It is noted that the forms of activity of the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development are regulated by the current legislation, in particular, the Law of Ukraine “On Central Executive Bodies” and the current Regulation on the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine. In addition, the forms of activity of the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories correspond to the tasks of any ministry, which are defined in Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine “On Central Executive Bodies”, according to which the main tasks of the Ministry as an authority that provides for the formation and implementation of state policy in one or more areas are: ensuring regulatory and legal regulation; definition of priority directions of development; informing and clarifying public policy; generalization of the practice of application of legislation, development of proposals for its improvement and drafting of legislative acts in the established order.


Mykhailo Ryazanov

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of General Theoretical Jurisprudence
National University “Odesa Law Academy” (Odesa, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0404-2841
Anotation. The legal heritage is the phenomenon that accumulates the achievements of the people in the sphere of law. The functional essence of the legal heritage is to preserve, select, generate and at the same time retranslate legal achievements. The channels of this process are legal institutions, legal traditions and legal mentality. The legal institution is presented as a legal artifact, that is, a reflection of objective, actually existing social relations. Legal institutions are endowed with an internal meaning that can be transmitted, broadcast from generation to generation. They carry out dynamic connection of generations, form legal identity and parameters of the legal model of society. Another channel of translation of legal heritage such as the legal traditions accumulates legal values. Legal traditions penetrate into the legal space, improving and developing the legal system of the state. The meaning of legal traditions is in their normative and regulatory function. A special phenomenon is represented by legal mentality, which predetermines the stereotypes of legal behavior, legal activity, image of law.
Keywords: The legal heritage is the phenomenon that accumulates the achievements of the people in the sphere of law. The functional essence of the legal heritage is to preserve, select, generate and at the same time retranslate legal achievements. The channels of this process are legal institutions, legal traditions and legal mentality. The legal institution is presented as a legal artifact, that is, a reflection of objective, actually existing social relations. Legal institutions are endowed with an internal meaning that can be transmitted, broadcast from generation to generation. They carry out dynamic connection of generations, form legal identity and parameters of the legal model of society. Another channel of translation of legal heritage such as the legal traditions accumulates legal values. Legal traditions penetrate into the legal space, improving and developing the legal system of the state. The meaning of legal traditions is in their normative and regulatory function. A special phenomenon is represented by legal mentality, which predetermines the stereotypes of legal behavior, legal activity, image of law.


Oleg Soloviov

Postgraduate Student at the Department of Economic and Legal Disciplines and Economic Security
Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (Mariupol, Donetsk region, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0017-9384
Anotation. In the provisions of the scientific article, the author analyzes the economic procedural legislation and examines the views of scholars on court decisions. It is emphasized that the study of the peculiarities of court decisions in economic litigation shows that the institution of court decisions is one of the central in economic litigation, because it is the court decision that completes the trial and ensures the exercise of judicial power in economic litigation. The purpose of court decisions is determined, the peculiarities of court rulings and decisions made by the economic court of first instance are singled out. It is emphasized that the procedural legislation needs further improvement within the institution of court decisions. It is proved that the essence of court decisions is manifested in their features and features that complement each other. It is noted that the court decision should be based on the principles of the rule of law, legality, reasonableness, motivation and their content is disclosed.
Keywords: In the provisions of the scientific article, the author analyzes the economic procedural legislation and examines the views of scholars on court decisions. It is emphasized that the study of the peculiarities of court decisions in economic litigation shows that the institution of court decisions is one of the central in economic litigation, because it is the court decision that completes the trial and ensures the exercise of judicial power in economic litigation. The purpose of court decisions is determined, the peculiarities of court rulings and decisions made by the economic court of first instance are singled out. It is emphasized that the procedural legislation needs further improvement within the institution of court decisions. It is proved that the essence of court decisions is manifested in their features and features that complement each other. It is noted that the court decision should be based on the principles of the rule of law, legality, reasonableness, motivation and their content is disclosed.


Roman Tashian

Ph. D. in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Law № 1
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6876-5857
Anotation. The article deals with the problem of invalidity of transactions in the context of providing the financial security of the state. The author considers the concept of financial security at the macro- and microeconomic levels and defines it. Much attention is paid to the analysis of the structure of financial security as a part of economic security. The emphasis is placed on the fact that ensuring financial security is possible only if a set of economic and legal means is used, one of which is the mechanism of invalidity of transactions that violate the public order. The author provided definition of such transactions and shows their features. Separate consideration of actions that pose a threat to Ukraine’s financial security. Thus, the author pays attention to tax evasion as one of the most widespread offenses in this area. Definition of tax security is given, as well as the most widespread methods of avoiding tax payment are considered. The notion of tax evasion and tax planning is distinguished. Particular attention is also paid to tax evasion through offshore, the use of which has been a trend over the last decades. The definition of offshore non-residents is defined in terms of both international and national legislation. Also, attention is paid to the non-return of foreign exchange earnings from abroad as a threat to the financial security of the state. The basic ways of committing this offense, as well as its negative consequences, are determined. It is also dangerous for the state’s economy to carry out an economic activity that requires licensing without it. Particular attention is paid to ensuring the safety of the non-banking financial sector, as this issue is traditionally less considered in the literature. On the basis of the research, the author made a conclusion on the improvement of the current legislation, as well as law enforcement practice in this area.
Keywords: The article deals with the problem of invalidity of transactions in the context of providing the financial security of the state. The author considers the concept of financial security at the macro- and microeconomic levels and defines it. Much attention is paid to the analysis of the structure of financial security as a part of economic security. The emphasis is placed on the fact that ensuring financial security is possible only if a set of economic and legal means is used, one of which is the mechanism of invalidity of transactions that violate the public order. The author provided definition of such transactions and shows their features. Separate consideration of actions that pose a threat to Ukraine’s financial security. Thus, the author pays attention to tax evasion as one of the most widespread offenses in this area. Definition of tax security is given, as well as the most widespread methods of avoiding tax payment are considered. The notion of tax evasion and tax planning is distinguished. Particular attention is also paid to tax evasion through offshore, the use of which has been a trend over the last decades. The definition of offshore non-residents is defined in terms of both international and national legislation. Also, attention is paid to the non-return of foreign exchange earnings from abroad as a threat to the financial security of the state. The basic ways of committing this offense, as well as its negative consequences, are determined. It is also dangerous for the state’s economy to carry out an economic activity that requires licensing without it. Particular attention is paid to ensuring the safety of the non-banking financial sector, as this issue is traditionally less considered in the literature. On the basis of the research, the author made a conclusion on the improvement of the current legislation, as well as law enforcement practice in this area.


Dmytro Shutiak

Chief State Inspector of the Department of Remote Support of Special Training
Department of Specialized Training and Cynological Support of the State Customs Service of Ukraine (Khmelnytsky, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5520-2991
Anotation. The article examines the features of civil law regulation of storage contracts in the field of customs brokerage. The characteristic features that distinguish storage in the understanding of civil and customs legislation are identified. The author investigates the peculiarities of providing services in temporary storage warehouses and customs warehouses. Customs warehouses have a dual subject of regulation as a customs regime that determines the customs status of goods and the type of customs business. The author concludes that the classification of temporary storage warehouses and customs warehouses is not limited to their division into open and closed, as criteria can be used that are applicable to any other warehouses (ownership, type of stored products, product specialization, technical equipment). The author argues that the studied contracts have a business nature, due to the activities of the parties to the contract – a professional custodian and a participant in foreign economic activity. The main responsibilities of the owner of the warehouse are established by civil law, which includes all necessary measures for the preservation of property, measures for the use of the property transferred to him for storage, unless otherwise provided by contract. Customs legislation imposes additional obligations on the owner.
Keywords: The article examines the features of civil law regulation of storage contracts in the field of customs brokerage. The characteristic features that distinguish storage in the understanding of civil and customs legislation are identified. The author investigates the peculiarities of providing services in temporary storage warehouses and customs warehouses. Customs warehouses have a dual subject of regulation as a customs regime that determines the customs status of goods and the type of customs business. The author concludes that the classification of temporary storage warehouses and customs warehouses is not limited to their division into open and closed, as criteria can be used that are applicable to any other warehouses (ownership, type of stored products, product specialization, technical equipment). The author argues that the studied contracts have a business nature, due to the activities of the parties to the contract – a professional custodian and a participant in foreign economic activity. The main responsibilities of the owner of the warehouse are established by civil law, which includes all necessary measures for the preservation of property, measures for the use of the property transferred to him for storage, unless otherwise provided by contract. Customs legislation imposes additional obligations on the owner.


Iaroslav Ianushevich

PhD in Economics
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9532-3387
Anotation. The paper studies certain aspects of the theoretical and methodological basics of the institutional mechanism that supports the taxation sphere in Ukraine. The peculiar features of the nation-wide level of the taxation sphere institutional support in Ukraine have been defined. It has been emphasized that the institutional mechanism is aimed at determination of the interaction and links between the entities of the appropriate public relations and the means which are used by the authorized entity to influence these relations. Determined is that it is expedient to classify said entities depending on the scope of authority granted to the public administration entities in the taxation sphere: 1) those that exercise institutional support at the nation-wide level (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, State Customs Service of Ukraine, State Tax Service of Ukraine, public councils at the nation-wide authorities, all-Ukrainian public organizations, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine, the National Bank of Ukraine and the Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine); 2) those that implement the institutional support at the local level (territorial bodies of the State Customs Service of Ukraine and the territorial bodies of the State Tax Service of Ukraine, local state administrations, local self-government bodies, public councils at the local state authorities, local public organizations, the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the civil and military administrations). Certain aspects of the legal base used for functioning of the public administration entities engaged in the institutional support of the taxation sphere at the nation-wide level have been described. Special attention is paid to the problems arising when tax and customs bodies apply to administrative courts when exercising their authority in the taxation sphere as well as to the liability of said public administration entities.
Keywords: The paper studies certain aspects of the theoretical and methodological basics of the institutional mechanism that supports the taxation sphere in Ukraine. The peculiar features of the nation-wide level of the taxation sphere institutional support in Ukraine have been defined. It has been emphasized that the institutional mechanism is aimed at determination of the interaction and links between the entities of the appropriate public relations and the means which are used by the authorized entity to influence these relations. Determined is that it is expedient to classify said entities depending on the scope of authority granted to the public administration entities in the taxation sphere: 1) those that exercise institutional support at the nation-wide level (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, State Customs Service of Ukraine, State Tax Service of Ukraine, public councils at the nation-wide authorities, all-Ukrainian public organizations, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine, the National Bank of Ukraine and the Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine); 2) those that implement the institutional support at the local level (territorial bodies of the State Customs Service of Ukraine and the territorial bodies of the State Tax Service of Ukraine, local state administrations, local self-government bodies, public councils at the local state authorities, local public organizations, the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the civil and military administrations). Certain aspects of the legal base used for functioning of the public administration entities engaged in the institutional support of the taxation sphere at the nation-wide level have been described. Special attention is paid to the problems arising when tax and customs bodies apply to administrative courts when exercising their authority in the taxation sphere as well as to the liability of said public administration entities.