Journal №4 (24) / 2018|KELM



Galina Aleksandrova

Doctor of Philology, Senior Researcher
at the Institute of Philology of the Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Anotation. The article analyzes the legacy of M. Kostomarov, which is also important for comparative studies, which initially had an interdisciplinary character. It is emphasized that the scholar continued the traditions of M. Zertelev, M. Maximovich, O. Bodianskiy, who began to study the poetry of the Ukrainian people, its history and language, comparing the spiritual foundations of its people with the neighboring ones. The comparative method in the research of Ukrainian scholars developed in close connection with such categories of romanticism as «nationality», «identity», «historicism», «the spirit of the nation», «the soul of the people», which was reflected in the national character. In his works, Ukraine is clearly emerging as a spiritually throwing phenomenon in unity with the people and its culture. An innovative was the desire to comprehend moral and ethical, spiritual, aesthetic and psychological dimensions of peoples on the basis of comparison of folk poetry, to oppose His and the Other. It is proved that in the process of comparison M. Kostomarov tried to identify a nationally original, dominant for each people in the system of historically predetermined views, beliefs, ideals, worldview, life and customs. The ideas of M. Kostomarov influenced the formation of comparative literary studies in Ukraine, they were extended by other researchers.
Keywords: The article analyzes the legacy of M. Kostomarov, which is also important for comparative studies, which initially had an interdisciplinary character. It is emphasized that the scholar continued the traditions of M. Zertelev, M. Maximovich, O. Bodianskiy, who began to study the poetry of the Ukrainian people, its history and language, comparing the spiritual foundations of its people with the neighboring ones. The comparative method in the research of Ukrainian scholars developed in close connection with such categories of romanticism as «nationality», «identity», «historicism», «the spirit of the nation», «the soul of the people», which was reflected in the national character. In his works, Ukraine is clearly emerging as a spiritually throwing phenomenon in unity with the people and its culture. An innovative was the desire to comprehend moral and ethical, spiritual, aesthetic and psychological dimensions of peoples on the basis of comparison of folk poetry, to oppose His and the Other. It is proved that in the process of comparison M. Kostomarov tried to identify a nationally original, dominant for each people in the system of historically predetermined views, beliefs, ideals, worldview, life and customs. The ideas of M. Kostomarov influenced the formation of comparative literary studies in Ukraine, they were extended by other researchers.


Bogdan Badzuk

post-graduate student of the Department of Law
Lesya Ukrainka Eastem European National University, (Lutsk, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: none
Anotation. Abstract. In the article the author carries out researches of scientific works of scientists of criminal law, criminology, who devoted their work to the problems of studying a crime, namely, the murder of the mother of her newborn child. Also, the provisions of the scientific article contain an analysis of the norms of historical criminal legislation of the former USSR, modern criminal law of Ukraine, Japan and certain countries of the European Union. The author analyzes the judicial practice of Ukraine in cases of crimes against human life and health and concludes that the question of the methodology of investigating the murder of a mother of her newborn child on a monographic level in Ukraine was not considered and was not the subject of an independent monographic study, and requires a thorough research in the modern period of the formation of the science of criminalistics in Ukraine.
Keywords: Abstract. In the article the author carries out researches of scientific works of scientists of criminal law, criminology, who devoted their work to the problems of studying a crime, namely, the murder of the mother of her newborn child. Also, the provisions of the scientific article contain an analysis of the norms of historical criminal legislation of the former USSR, modern criminal law of Ukraine, Japan and certain countries of the European Union. The author analyzes the judicial practice of Ukraine in cases of crimes against human life and health and concludes that the question of the methodology of investigating the murder of a mother of her newborn child on a monographic level in Ukraine was not considered and was not the subject of an independent monographic study, and requires a thorough research in the modern period of the formation of the science of criminalistics in Ukraine.


Oleg Batyuk

PhD, docent, professor
department of intellectual property and civil law disciplines of Kyiv Institute of Intellectual Property and Law
National University “Odessa Law Academy”, (Kiev, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: ORCID: 0000-0002-2291-4247
Anotation. Abstract. In the scientific article, the author conducts research on understanding of investigative situations in the process of investigating crimes committed in penitentiary institutions of Ukraine, and determines that the planning of investigative actions and the nature of investigative actions depends on the investigative situation at any given stage of the investigation as a way of proof in the case. The author of the article determines that there are three main groups of factors that influence the investigation of crimes committed in the PIs: positive, negative and mixed. In the provisions of the article, the author identified a group of conditions that determine the investigation of crimes committed in the Ministry of Health, which is at least three groups: to the first group, refer to the personal characteristics of persons who commit penitentiary offenses; to the second group of conditions include the relations that prevail between the members who are in the PI; to the third group of conditions, the author suggests to include the social environment of places of deprivation of liberty. The author pays special attention to the characterization of the main factors that negatively affect the content of investigative situations that arise during the investigation of crimes committed in the administrative units. As the author concludes, it recommends that the investigators of the National Police of Ukraine use, in the course of performing their tasks, scientific and empirical investigations of investigative situations in the process of investigating crimes committed in penitentiary institutions of Ukraine.
Keywords: Abstract. In the scientific article, the author conducts research on understanding of investigative situations in the process of investigating crimes committed in penitentiary institutions of Ukraine, and determines that the planning of investigative actions and the nature of investigative actions depends on the investigative situation at any given stage of the investigation as a way of proof in the case. The author of the article determines that there are three main groups of factors that influence the investigation of crimes committed in the PIs: positive, negative and mixed. In the provisions of the article, the author identified a group of conditions that determine the investigation of crimes committed in the Ministry of Health, which is at least three groups: to the first group, refer to the personal characteristics of persons who commit penitentiary offenses; to the second group of conditions include the relations that prevail between the members who are in the PI; to the third group of conditions, the author suggests to include the social environment of places of deprivation of liberty. The author pays special attention to the characterization of the main factors that negatively affect the content of investigative situations that arise during the investigation of crimes committed in the administrative units. As the author concludes, it recommends that the investigators of the National Police of Ukraine use, in the course of performing their tasks, scientific and empirical investigations of investigative situations in the process of investigating crimes committed in penitentiary institutions of Ukraine.


Lyudmila Bondaruk

associate professor
Department of Romance Languages and Interlinguistics
Lesya Ukrainka Eastem European National University, (Lutsk, Ukraine)

Anotation. Abstract. The article deals with the specifics of the naratological analysis of the symbolist text, in particular, on the material of Marcel Proust's epic "In Search of Lost Time." It is argued that the Marcel Proust Symbolist novel as a special type of text requires the development of a special methodology for research. In the symbolist novel, the main idea is abstract, the means of its expression are concrete: it is a symbol as a universal category of human thinking. In order for the symbol to function in the multi-level structure of the text, the author of the symbolist work must choose a special structure of the narrative and the corresponding strategies and tactics, which obviously differ from the traditional one. The chronology, techniques, and measurements of the narrative of the symbolist novel are constructed on the principle of gradation significance in the formation of characters, their development, self-expression, modeling of individual values, interaction of man with the outside world at the confines of sacred / profane. Marcel Proust showed that time and life are inseparable concepts that play a major role in the human worldview. In synchronous and diachronic aspects time is fixed in the world through certain events and emotions that they caused, and most importantly – through those insults-symbols that are captured in memory and reflect associative feelings. That is why Marcel Proust very carefully formed the symbolist body of language-expressive means, which play a special cognitive and informative role.
Keywords: Abstract. The article deals with the specifics of the naratological analysis of the symbolist text, in particular, on the material of Marcel Proust's epic "In Search of Lost Time." It is argued that the Marcel Proust Symbolist novel as a special type of text requires the development of a special methodology for research. In the symbolist novel, the main idea is abstract, the means of its expression are concrete: it is a symbol as a universal category of human thinking. In order for the symbol to function in the multi-level structure of the text, the author of the symbolist work must choose a special structure of the narrative and the corresponding strategies and tactics, which obviously differ from the traditional one. The chronology, techniques, and measurements of the narrative of the symbolist novel are constructed on the principle of gradation significance in the formation of characters, their development, self-expression, modeling of individual values, interaction of man with the outside world at the confines of sacred / profane. Marcel Proust showed that time and life are inseparable concepts that play a major role in the human worldview. In synchronous and diachronic aspects time is fixed in the world through certain events and emotions that they caused, and most importantly – through those insults-symbols that are captured in memory and reflect associative feelings. That is why Marcel Proust very carefully formed the symbolist body of language-expressive means, which play a special cognitive and informative role.


Andrii Borovyk

candidate of legal sciences, docent
department of criminal law and justice
International economic-humanitarian University named after academician Stepan Demyanchuk, (Rivne, Ukraine)

Anotation. Abstract. The scientific article is devoted to the important issues of the motives of committing corruption and other criminal offenses in the field of execution of sentences in Ukraine, which were investigated in the modern history of Ukraine (1991-2018) for several periods, each of which had its own peculiarities and scope of meaningful reflection of these problems. in the writings of scholars. The author, in the provisions of the scientific paper, concludes that based on the analysis of the state of research in science on the motives for committing corruption and other criminal offenses in the field of execution of sentences, it is worth noting that all four articles of the reform in the field of execution of sentences are defined in the scientific article and determined in connection with this scientific research, namely: the first period of 1991-1998; second period of 1999-2010; the third period 2011-2016 р .; the fourth period from 2017 - to date, this issue has not been sufficiently investigated, which should serve as the basis for further scientific research of the identified problem of motives for committing corruption and other criminal offenses in the area of the execution of sentences in Ukraine.
Keywords: Abstract. The scientific article is devoted to the important issues of the motives of committing corruption and other criminal offenses in the field of execution of sentences in Ukraine, which were investigated in the modern history of Ukraine (1991-2018) for several periods, each of which had its own peculiarities and scope of meaningful reflection of these problems. in the writings of scholars. The author, in the provisions of the scientific paper, concludes that based on the analysis of the state of research in science on the motives for committing corruption and other criminal offenses in the field of execution of sentences, it is worth noting that all four articles of the reform in the field of execution of sentences are defined in the scientific article and determined in connection with this scientific research, namely: the first period of 1991-1998; second period of 1999-2010; the third period 2011-2016 р .; the fourth period from 2017 - to date, this issue has not been sufficiently investigated, which should serve as the basis for further scientific research of the identified problem of motives for committing corruption and other criminal offenses in the area of the execution of sentences in Ukraine.


Mykola Chumak

Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences Associate Professor
of the Department of theories and methods of teaching physics and astronomy
of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, (Kiev, Ukraine)

Anotation. The article analyzes the socio-anthropological origins of higher education in the historical and pedagogical approaches. The multidimensionality of the investigated phenomenon in the context of activity, behavior, value and information aspects has been updated. Inter - civilization advantages of higher education, which contributed to the unification of knowledge of natural and mathematical and humanistic content, have been consolidated. The subject of the study is higher education in the context of socio -anthropological transformations. The purpose of the article is to reveal the socio-anthropological content of higher education. The author investigates the historic and scientific research origins of the study, describes the multifunctional nature of higher education at the present stage of society development. The research tools for the study were chronological and content, incremental, historical, pedagogical and comparative methods. In the framework of the systematic and the interdisciplinary approaches, the author develops the idea that the institutional nature of higher education forms resource potential of social and anthropological components. Therefore, the awareness of the mechanism of activity of social institutions, being centered on the activity, is gaining the behavioral features. The use of such a broad methodological spectrum allows emphasize that the augmentation of the cultural potential of the society is reflected in the socio-cultural environment. The construction of the environment is observed as a three-dimensional model, which includes the society, the culture and the relationships. The attractive image of higher education is based on its epistemological identity, which is a product of cultural development during many centuries and replicates the microclimate of internal territories, which is important in terms of the realization of creative potential of the subjects of knowledge. On a research level, it is emphasized that such course of events development becomes possible due to strengthening the relationships between a personality and a society, by enlarging the variety of activity performance of higher education. Based on theoretical preconditions, the author points out that the main institutional and cultural changes, which were reflected in the development of higher education, were the result of internal social and personal transformations. The attention is drawn to the characteristics of the systems of education and employment, state policy and socio-cultural aspects of development of states. The author focuses on the determinacy of new pedagogical developments that affect the effectiveness of the functioning of higher education in general (cross-section factor). The article illustrates the scientific points of contact of higher education and social anthropology; socio - anthropological sources of higher education, component structure of the higher education functioning environment. The study also presented the analysis of the social institutions – the fundamental parts of the formation of social identity (institutional cross-section) in the context of the development of higher education in general. Within the institutional aspect, various tools and strategies for social development are considered as the main ways of social identity forming. Special attention is paid to the innovative pedagogic idealism, which is a prospective project for the formation of the most effective educational paradigm and for design of knowledge levels in accordance with the existing educational stage. It has been summarized that, being based on different civilization transformations, there are very similar social mechanisms for the functioning of higher education, which affect participation of the personality in activities of different levels within the social institutions; it updates the social mobility issue and allows neutralizing the problem of social inequalities.
Keywords: The article analyzes the socio-anthropological origins of higher education in the historical and pedagogical approaches. The multidimensionality of the investigated phenomenon in the context of activity, behavior, value and information aspects has been updated. Inter - civilization advantages of higher education, which contributed to the unification of knowledge of natural and mathematical and humanistic content, have been consolidated. The subject of the study is higher education in the context of socio -anthropological transformations. The purpose of the article is to reveal the socio-anthropological content of higher education. The author investigates the historic and scientific research origins of the study, describes the multifunctional nature of higher education at the present stage of society development. The research tools for the study were chronological and content, incremental, historical, pedagogical and comparative methods. In the framework of the systematic and the interdisciplinary approaches, the author develops the idea that the institutional nature of higher education forms resource potential of social and anthropological components. Therefore, the awareness of the mechanism of activity of social institutions, being centered on the activity, is gaining the behavioral features. The use of such a broad methodological spectrum allows emphasize that the augmentation of the cultural potential of the society is reflected in the socio-cultural environment. The construction of the environment is observed as a three-dimensional model, which includes the society, the culture and the relationships. The attractive image of higher education is based on its epistemological identity, which is a product of cultural development during many centuries and replicates the microclimate of internal territories, which is important in terms of the realization of creative potential of the subjects of knowledge. On a research level, it is emphasized that such course of events development becomes possible due to strengthening the relationships between a personality and a society, by enlarging the variety of activity performance of higher education. Based on theoretical preconditions, the author points out that the main institutional and cultural changes, which were reflected in the development of higher education, were the result of internal social and personal transformations. The attention is drawn to the characteristics of the systems of education and employment, state policy and socio-cultural aspects of development of states. The author focuses on the determinacy of new pedagogical developments that affect the effectiveness of the functioning of higher education in general (cross-section factor). The article illustrates the scientific points of contact of higher education and social anthropology; socio - anthropological sources of higher education, component structure of the higher education functioning environment. The study also presented the analysis of the social institutions – the fundamental parts of the formation of social identity (institutional cross-section) in the context of the development of higher education in general. Within the institutional aspect, various tools and strategies for social development are considered as the main ways of social identity forming. Special attention is paid to the innovative pedagogic idealism, which is a prospective project for the formation of the most effective educational paradigm and for design of knowledge levels in accordance with the existing educational stage. It has been summarized that, being based on different civilization transformations, there are very similar social mechanisms for the functioning of higher education, which affect participation of the personality in activities of different levels within the social institutions; it updates the social mobility issue and allows neutralizing the problem of social inequalities.


Tetiana Hladun

Associate Professor of the Department of General Technical Disciplines,
Pedagogical Dragomanov University, (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Anotation. In the context of reforming higher pedagogical education, the issue of training future teachers with a high standard of environmental knowledge, environmental education, worldview beliefs, professionalism, capable of organizing and carrying out nature protection activities, who would be able to approach solving complicated tasks in teaching in a creative manner, gains particular relevance. According to S. Shmaliei, environmental breeding is carried out by influencing the mind of the individual in the process of its formation in order to develop socio-psychological settings, moral principles and norms, rational use of natural resources and man-made influence on natural systems. Environmental breeding forms the behavior of the individual in nature. M. Bauer defines that environmental breeding is formed on the basis of environmental education, which is a system of knowledge aimed at learning the general scientific theory and practice from various environmental disciplines. Its main task is theoretical formation of environmental consciousness, ecological thinking, ecological behavior, ecological worldview, forming the first elementary knowledge about the peculiarities of the relationship “man-society- nature”. For the successful achievement of such basic tasks of environmental education and breeding, the selection of active methods is necessary. Practical embodiment of partially methodological principles is obtained in methods and techniques. The concept “method” in the national and foreign science has the meaning of “means of action”, it is in this sense that we will discuss the methods of teaching in environmental education, in the process of studying disciplines of the natural sciences cycle. Teaching methods make a conditional category. They depend on the purpose, content, stage of training. Methods that are a historical phenomenon have passed a certain path of development - from the verbal-dogmatic to the verbal-visual and to other classifications, which have been developed on the basis of different criteria. “Since teaching methods have a number of sides and can be considered in various aspects,” Y. Babanskyi notes, “it is quite possible that there are several approaches to their classifications.” We believe that the criteria reflect the range of use of methods. So, according to the source of the transfer and acquisition of knowledge, we distinguish as productive in environmental education the following methods: verbal, work with a book, observation, experiment, exercises, practical work. Thereafter, we proceeded from the use of the characteristics of self-education, self- actualization and creativity as criteria. So, on the basis of qualitative parameters, in particular, the peculiarities of cognitive activity of students, we have found out what is the driving force in the system of methods. According to the tasks, teaching methods in environmental education are used as cognitive, training, control ones. The use of a particular method depends on a number of factors: the purpose of training, its content, social order, the personality of students. The choice of methods is also influenced by the tasks set up by the teacher, personal and professional qualities of the teacher, the time frame, facilities. The criterion of efficiency of a method is the end result: personal development of students, conscious and qualitative learning, acquiring practical skills and abilities, the ability to transform a task, take a creatively different decision.
Keywords: In the context of reforming higher pedagogical education, the issue of training future teachers with a high standard of environmental knowledge, environmental education, worldview beliefs, professionalism, capable of organizing and carrying out nature protection activities, who would be able to approach solving complicated tasks in teaching in a creative manner, gains particular relevance. According to S. Shmaliei, environmental breeding is carried out by influencing the mind of the individual in the process of its formation in order to develop socio-psychological settings, moral principles and norms, rational use of natural resources and man-made influence on natural systems. Environmental breeding forms the behavior of the individual in nature. M. Bauer defines that environmental breeding is formed on the basis of environmental education, which is a system of knowledge aimed at learning the general scientific theory and practice from various environmental disciplines. Its main task is theoretical formation of environmental consciousness, ecological thinking, ecological behavior, ecological worldview, forming the first elementary knowledge about the peculiarities of the relationship “man-society- nature”. For the successful achievement of such basic tasks of environmental education and breeding, the selection of active methods is necessary. Practical embodiment of partially methodological principles is obtained in methods and techniques. The concept “method” in the national and foreign science has the meaning of “means of action”, it is in this sense that we will discuss the methods of teaching in environmental education, in the process of studying disciplines of the natural sciences cycle. Teaching methods make a conditional category. They depend on the purpose, content, stage of training. Methods that are a historical phenomenon have passed a certain path of development - from the verbal-dogmatic to the verbal-visual and to other classifications, which have been developed on the basis of different criteria. “Since teaching methods have a number of sides and can be considered in various aspects,” Y. Babanskyi notes, “it is quite possible that there are several approaches to their classifications.” We believe that the criteria reflect the range of use of methods. So, according to the source of the transfer and acquisition of knowledge, we distinguish as productive in environmental education the following methods: verbal, work with a book, observation, experiment, exercises, practical work. Thereafter, we proceeded from the use of the characteristics of self-education, self- actualization and creativity as criteria. So, on the basis of qualitative parameters, in particular, the peculiarities of cognitive activity of students, we have found out what is the driving force in the system of methods. According to the tasks, teaching methods in environmental education are used as cognitive, training, control ones. The use of a particular method depends on a number of factors: the purpose of training, its content, social order, the personality of students. The choice of methods is also influenced by the tasks set up by the teacher, personal and professional qualities of the teacher, the time frame, facilities. The criterion of efficiency of a method is the end result: personal development of students, conscious and qualitative learning, acquiring practical skills and abilities, the ability to transform a task, take a creatively different decision.


Natalia Hrycak, Rayisa Chorniy

Natalia Hrycak <br>Doctoral Candidate of the department of methodology of world literature education of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kiev, Ukraine)
Rayisa Chorniy <br>associate professor Doctor of Philosophy the Department of English Philology and Methods of English Language Teaching, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University (Ternopil, Ukraine),

Anotation. The present paper is focused on fiction genre way of analyzing as one of the important tools in the formation of professional competence in the system of pedagogical and philological education. Students’ understanding of a genre as a key literary criticism category helps a teacher realize the methods of comparative analysis of national literatures genres effectively. Comparative genre analysis is the conditional division of an integral fictional work into structural elements consideration of each component to find general fixed typological features and disclosure of original author’s national features. We have demonstrated genre way of analyzing on the base of short stories of S. Pylypenko’s “A Fire Panic” and H. Böll’s “Stranger, Bear Word to the Spartans We...”. The antiwar short stories of the Ukrainian and German writers eloquently represent S. Pylypenko’s and H. Böll’s works as they deal with the problems of “person and war”, “a person in a war”. Detail comparative analysis of Ukrainian and German artists of antiwar short stories let students enrich the authors’ individual genre features of short stories.
Keywords: The present paper is focused on fiction genre way of analyzing as one of the important tools in the formation of professional competence in the system of pedagogical and philological education. Students’ understanding of a genre as a key literary criticism category helps a teacher realize the methods of comparative analysis of national literatures genres effectively. Comparative genre analysis is the conditional division of an integral fictional work into structural elements consideration of each component to find general fixed typological features and disclosure of original author’s national features. We have demonstrated genre way of analyzing on the base of short stories of S. Pylypenko’s “A Fire Panic” and H. Böll’s “Stranger, Bear Word to the Spartans We...”. The antiwar short stories of the Ukrainian and German writers eloquently represent S. Pylypenko’s and H. Böll’s works as they deal with the problems of “person and war”, “a person in a war”. Detail comparative analysis of Ukrainian and German artists of antiwar short stories let students enrich the authors’ individual genre features of short stories.


Natalia Grona

doctor of pedagogical sciences
Pryluky Humanitarian and Pedagogical College named after. I. Ya Franko (Priluki, Ukraine)

Anotation. The article describes the peculiarities of the process of organization and management of independent work in the aspect of modern requirements of linguistic and pedagogical training of future teachers of elementary school. It is emphasized that it is necessary to equip a future specialist not only with the amount of solid theoretical knowledge, but also the ability to apply this knowledge in practice. It is proved that a properly organized independent work involves not only basic, scientific and appropriate pedagogical training, but also the ability to expedite the cognitive activity of students in the educational process. The right c hoice of the form of independent work helps to stimulate students' creative thinking, develops their research skills, because today in education we have a global trend of growing creativity and mobility, so those who can live in the creative space will be successful. These positions are based on the Concept of the New Ukrainian School. The author gives examples of different types of independent work within the disciplines "Methodology of teaching Ukrainian language".
Keywords: The article describes the peculiarities of the process of organization and management of independent work in the aspect of modern requirements of linguistic and pedagogical training of future teachers of elementary school. It is emphasized that it is necessary to equip a future specialist not only with the amount of solid theoretical knowledge, but also the ability to apply this knowledge in practice. It is proved that a properly organized independent work involves not only basic, scientific and appropriate pedagogical training, but also the ability to expedite the cognitive activity of students in the educational process. The right c hoice of the form of independent work helps to stimulate students' creative thinking, develops their research skills, because today in education we have a global trend of growing creativity and mobility, so those who can live in the creative space will be successful. These positions are based on the Concept of the New Ukrainian School. The author gives examples of different types of independent work within the disciplines "Methodology of teaching Ukrainian language".


Viktor Hryshchuk, Olha Balynska

Viktor Hryshchuk<br> Chief Scientist of the Department of Scientific Work of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Professor,
Olha Balynska<br> Vice-rector of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Professor, (Lviv, Ukraine),
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6781-9243, 0000-0002-0168-143X
Anotation. The article offers author's understanding of the problems of functioning and reform of the state legal and political system in Ukraine, its constituent elements, and also outlines possible ways to overcome the systemic crisis. Possible doctrinal ways of ensuring the legal security of the state are analyzed. A separate emphasis is placed on the need to balance institutions of direct and indirect power of the people, administrative reform, introduction of legislative pluralism, ensuring an appropriate balance between the branches of state power, and improving the quality of laws.
Keywords: The article offers author's understanding of the problems of functioning and reform of the state legal and political system in Ukraine, its constituent elements, and also outlines possible ways to overcome the systemic crisis. Possible doctrinal ways of ensuring the legal security of the state are analyzed. A separate emphasis is placed on the need to balance institutions of direct and indirect power of the people, administrative reform, introduction of legislative pluralism, ensuring an appropriate balance between the branches of state power, and improving the quality of laws.


Alexei Humin, Lesia Duchiminskaya

Alexei Humin<br>Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Process NU "Lviv Polytechnic" (Lviv, Ukraine)
Lesia Duchiminskaya<br>Head of the internal department audit and financial control the main directorate of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in the Volyn region (Lutsk, Ukraine)

Anotation. In the article, on the basis of the analysis of theoretical approaches concerning the content of the concept "person of the offender", the author's variant is formulated and the criminological characteristic of the system-forming features that make up his content is made, and his theoretical and practical significance is proved.
Keywords: In the article, on the basis of the analysis of theoretical approaches concerning the content of the concept "person of the offender", the author's variant is formulated and the criminological characteristic of the system-forming features that make up his content is made, and his theoretical and practical significance is proved.


Bohdan Hutiv

PhD Student, Lviv Ivan Franko National University, (Lviv, Ukraine)

Anotation. Legal grounds, historical and legal preconditions and peculiarities of formation of the institute of citizenship in Vatican state, peculiarities of acquisition of the citizenship status and its termination (loss) are considered in the article; legal norms of legislation regulating the institute of citizenship in Vatican are analyzed. It is established that practically all Vatican’s population is represented by the subjects of the Holy See (Vatican allegiance does not exist) who have a passport (the passport has a diplomatic status of the Holy See and indicates to the Apostolic Capital (Vatican) residents allegiance and is issued by the Secretariat of State) and who are the ministers of the Catholic Church. The notion of a citizenship and its significance in the international legal doctrine are investigated by the author. A range of scientific papers of scientists, who particularly studied the issue of appearance of the institute of citizenship, including in the Vatican City State, are analyzed. Also, it was established that Vatican’s citizenship has special status, which is not peculiar to the majority of the world states and a list of positions is described and a person holding one of such positions automatically obtains citizenship of the Vatican City State.
Keywords: Legal grounds, historical and legal preconditions and peculiarities of formation of the institute of citizenship in Vatican state, peculiarities of acquisition of the citizenship status and its termination (loss) are considered in the article; legal norms of legislation regulating the institute of citizenship in Vatican are analyzed. It is established that practically all Vatican’s population is represented by the subjects of the Holy See (Vatican allegiance does not exist) who have a passport (the passport has a diplomatic status of the Holy See and indicates to the Apostolic Capital (Vatican) residents allegiance and is issued by the Secretariat of State) and who are the ministers of the Catholic Church. The notion of a citizenship and its significance in the international legal doctrine are investigated by the author. A range of scientific papers of scientists, who particularly studied the issue of appearance of the institute of citizenship, including in the Vatican City State, are analyzed. Also, it was established that Vatican’s citizenship has special status, which is not peculiar to the majority of the world states and a list of positions is described and a person holding one of such positions automatically obtains citizenship of the Vatican City State.


Alla Dubrova

postgraduate student,
Rivne State Humanitarian University, (Rivne, Ukraine)

Anotation. The article deals with the issues of formation of the foreign language communicative professional competence of future specialists of behavioral specialties in the professional training process. The concept of foreign language competence, which is necessary in professional activity of a specialist, is described. The development of a foreign language communicative competence of a non-native faculty student requires the use of a communicative approach to learning, which, in turn, involves the use of interactive learning methods. The basic methods of foreign language communicative competence formation of non-language faculties students are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the use of active teaching methods, since they put students in an active position, which involves not only the learning of language knowledge, but also contributes to the training of professional-oriented communication. Themain means of innovative technologies are considered. The analysis of application of means of innovative technologies in formation of foreign language professional competence of non- language faculties students of behavioral specialties is carried out. The main methods of work used in this study are the analysis, classification, synthesis and systematization of scientific and theoretical material. It is determined that foreign-language professional competence of future specialists in behavioral specialties is a collection of lexical, grammatical, socio-cultural and, in particular, professional knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for foreign language communication in professional activities. Prospects for further scientific searches we see in the development of special methods for forming the foreign language communicative competence of future specialists in behavioral specialties.
Keywords: The article deals with the issues of formation of the foreign language communicative professional competence of future specialists of behavioral specialties in the professional training process. The concept of foreign language competence, which is necessary in professional activity of a specialist, is described. The development of a foreign language communicative competence of a non-native faculty student requires the use of a communicative approach to learning, which, in turn, involves the use of interactive learning methods. The basic methods of foreign language communicative competence formation of non-language faculties students are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the use of active teaching methods, since they put students in an active position, which involves not only the learning of language knowledge, but also contributes to the training of professional-oriented communication. Themain means of innovative technologies are considered. The analysis of application of means of innovative technologies in formation of foreign language professional competence of non- language faculties students of behavioral specialties is carried out. The main methods of work used in this study are the analysis, classification, synthesis and systematization of scientific and theoretical material. It is determined that foreign-language professional competence of future specialists in behavioral specialties is a collection of lexical, grammatical, socio-cultural and, in particular, professional knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for foreign language communication in professional activities. Prospects for further scientific searches we see in the development of special methods for forming the foreign language communicative competence of future specialists in behavioral specialties.


Ruslan Dudarets

Deputy Chief of the Main Investigation Department of the National Police of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)

Anotation. The article analyzes the practice of establishing typical methods of committing a crime during the investigation of the creation of paranoid or armed units not provided by law. Attention is drawn to such methods of committing the crime as creation, participation, leadership of illegal armed groups, financing of its activities. The obtained information on determining the typical method of committing a crime is used to construct and promote versions, to plan an investigation, to develop tactics for conducting separate investigative (search) actions, to select and implement a forensic investigation methodology, to determine the directions of prevention of criminal offenses. Specificity of the purpose and objectives of the study led to the need for the use of dialectic, comparative law, historical-legal, formal-logical, system-structural, sociological, statistical and other methods of scientific research. When investigating the creation of paranoid or armed units not provided for by law, it is important to first determine how this crime was committed. Establishing a way o f committing is important not only for qualifying a crime, but also for identifying other elements of forensic characteristics, which in their aggregate give the opportunity to select and implement forensic investigation techniques.
Keywords: The article analyzes the practice of establishing typical methods of committing a crime during the investigation of the creation of paranoid or armed units not provided by law. Attention is drawn to such methods of committing the crime as creation, participation, leadership of illegal armed groups, financing of its activities. The obtained information on determining the typical method of committing a crime is used to construct and promote versions, to plan an investigation, to develop tactics for conducting separate investigative (search) actions, to select and implement a forensic investigation methodology, to determine the directions of prevention of criminal offenses. Specificity of the purpose and objectives of the study led to the need for the use of dialectic, comparative law, historical-legal, formal-logical, system-structural, sociological, statistical and other methods of scientific research. When investigating the creation of paranoid or armed units not provided for by law, it is important to first determine how this crime was committed. Establishing a way o f committing is important not only for qualifying a crime, but also for identifying other elements of forensic characteristics, which in their aggregate give the opportunity to select and implement forensic investigation techniques.


Irina Zhaldak

Applicant of the Department of Criminalistics and Forensic Medicine, National Academy of Internal Affairs, (Kiev, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1832-8843
Anotation. The introduction of international standards, the unification of terminology in the activities of state institutions, including in the criminal process, which regulates the criminal procedure of Ukraine, is becoming very urgent. In this context, the name and essence of the investigative action was explored - simultaneous interrogation of two or more already questioned persons, regulated by Part 9 of Art. 224 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine. A comparative legal study of the current norm was conducted " simultaneous interrogation of two or more already questioned persons " with the regulation of "confrontation" - a similar content of action in criminal proceedings in different EU countries. During the comparative study, common and distinctive features of the regulation of "simultaneous interrogation" and "confrontation" were identified. To ensure high international standards, the study and implementation of the best foreign experience in the national legislation and enforcement activities, the development of legal acts to elaborate legislative provisions and forensic recommendations is essential.
Keywords: The introduction of international standards, the unification of terminology in the activities of state institutions, including in the criminal process, which regulates the criminal procedure of Ukraine, is becoming very urgent. In this context, the name and essence of the investigative action was explored - simultaneous interrogation of two or more already questioned persons, regulated by Part 9 of Art. 224 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine. A comparative legal study of the current norm was conducted " simultaneous interrogation of two or more already questioned persons " with the regulation of "confrontation" - a similar content of action in criminal proceedings in different EU countries. During the comparative study, common and distinctive features of the regulation of "simultaneous interrogation" and "confrontation" were identified. To ensure high international standards, the study and implementation of the best foreign experience in the national legislation and enforcement activities, the development of legal acts to elaborate legislative provisions and forensic recommendations is essential.


Michailo Kelman, Lidia Kelman, Olga Zayac

Michailo Kelman Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law, NIIPP, Lviv Polytechnic National University, (Lviv, Ukraine)
Olga Zayac PhD, associate Professor of the Department of civil law disciplines Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, (Lviv, Ukraine)
Lidia Kelman PhD, docent, associate Professor of the Department of civil law disciplines Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, (Lviv, Ukraine) ,,

Anotation. By the base purpose of reformation, to realization subsequent harmonious development is related state – legal system, there is a construction in Ukraine of the legal state. Confessedly, there is that embodiment of fundamental principles of conception of the legal state, foresees priority of interests of person, freedom and inviolability of citizens, limitation of political power, a right, overcoming of negative consequences of totalitarian the pas promotes democratization of public life and establishment of the real legal order. At the same time, 3 Constitutions of Ukraine fasten an item the idea of the legal state and much to our regret, so far does not find the realization. Given out, that for forming of the legal state as special form of mutual relations of the state and civil society not enough legal confession of man by a higher value, fixing of principles supremacies of right and division of vlad, guaranteing of confessedly political and economic rights. Practical embodiment of conception of the legal state requires native transformation of all elements of the derzhavno-pravovoy system, with that the functions of the state were carried out such methods and methods which would answer the ideals of justice and humanism, provided the real supremacy of right and guaranteed the real responsibility of the state before citizens. Incredibly high meaningfulness in Ukraine of the legal state fully explains actuality of research of any subject which is related to its forming. Thus by virtue of that realization of the proper task appears difficult enough and contradictory, enhanceable actuality development of problematiki acquires just in applied its aspect, that related to the search of ways and facilities of realization of ideals of legal society in practice. Especially important is an analysis of questions of the principles of the legal state related to realization in pravozastosuvanni. From one side, forming of such state can not be well-to-do only only due to the improvement of pravotvorchei practice, humanizing and actualization of current legislation. It is possible only wherein legal norms get practical embodiment and above all things – in activity of the legal state. From other side, principles of organization which will be realized in today's everyday practice, unfortunately, and realization of pravozastosovnoy activity appeared not adequate the idea of the legal state.
Keywords: By the base purpose of reformation, to realization subsequent harmonious development is related state – legal system, there is a construction in Ukraine of the legal state. Confessedly, there is that embodiment of fundamental principles of conception of the legal state, foresees priority of interests of person, freedom and inviolability of citizens, limitation of political power, a right, overcoming of negative consequences of totalitarian the pas promotes democratization of public life and establishment of the real legal order. At the same time, 3 Constitutions of Ukraine fasten an item the idea of the legal state and much to our regret, so far does not find the realization. Given out, that for forming of the legal state as special form of mutual relations of the state and civil society not enough legal confession of man by a higher value, fixing of principles supremacies of right and division of vlad, guaranteing of confessedly political and economic rights. Practical embodiment of conception of the legal state requires native transformation of all elements of the derzhavno-pravovoy system, with that the functions of the state were carried out such methods and methods which would answer the ideals of justice and humanism, provided the real supremacy of right and guaranteed the real responsibility of the state before citizens. Incredibly high meaningfulness in Ukraine of the legal state fully explains actuality of research of any subject which is related to its forming. Thus by virtue of that realization of the proper task appears difficult enough and contradictory, enhanceable actuality development of problematiki acquires just in applied its aspect, that related to the search of ways and facilities of realization of ideals of legal society in practice. Especially important is an analysis of questions of the principles of the legal state related to realization in pravozastosuvanni. From one side, forming of such state can not be well-to-do only only due to the improvement of pravotvorchei practice, humanizing and actualization of current legislation. It is possible only wherein legal norms get practical embodiment and above all things – in activity of the legal state. From other side, principles of organization which will be realized in today's everyday practice, unfortunately, and realization of pravozastosovnoy activity appeared not adequate the idea of the legal state.


Valentin Kovalenko, Roksolana Kolb

Valentin Kovalenko Doctor of Law, Professor Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, (Kiev, Ukraine)
Roksolana Kolb Magistrate of the Law Department of Volyn institute V. Lypynsky State Pedagogical Institute of the MAUP, (Lutsk, Ukraine),

Anotation. The article clarifies the content of the activities of religious organizations and their representatives (clergy and chaplains) aimed at preventing and reducing the number of cases of use by colony personnel of the convicts of the remedies provided by the law, as well as the scientifically substantiated ways of improving this process in the field of execution of sentences.
Keywords: The article clarifies the content of the activities of religious organizations and their representatives (clergy and chaplains) aimed at preventing and reducing the number of cases of use by colony personnel of the convicts of the remedies provided by the law, as well as the scientifically substantiated ways of improving this process in the field of execution of sentences.


Alexander Kolb, Taras Misʹkiv

Alexander Kolb Doctor of Law, Professor Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and the process of NU "Lviv Polytechnic"
Taras Misʹkiv Advisor to the Chairman of the Commercial the Volyn region (Lutsk, Ukraine),

Anotation. The article identifies the main tendencies of crime in the colonies of Ukraine in the current conditions, as well as analyzes its main indicators taking into account their influence on the state of law and order in the penal institutions and the level of effectiveness of preventive activities.
Keywords: The article identifies the main tendencies of crime in the colonies of Ukraine in the current conditions, as well as analyzes its main indicators taking into account their influence on the state of law and order in the penal institutions and the level of effectiveness of preventive activities.


Maria Moklytsya

doctor of philological sciences, professor, Head of the Department of Theory of Literature and Foreign Literature Lesya Ukrainka Eastem European National University, (Lutsk, Ukraine)

Anotation. The article states that psychoanalysis has been actively used in Lesya Ukrainka's personality in recent decades, but almost no reading of her works in the psychoanalytic key. The concept of "implicit psychoanalytic narrative" is substantiated in relation to artistic works based on the history of a person whose unconscious becomes the implicit object of the image. The necessity of using this concept to the works that emphasizes the unconscious of the characters as one of the important causes of mental disorders, life problems and tragedies is substantiated. Lesya Ukrainka's love stories are tragic, and the recipient is guided by a search for deeper motivation than what is being declared by the characters during the deployment of the plot. The psychological basis of many works by Lesya Ukrainka is clearly biographical. It is important for the author to understand, with the help of his characters, in his own internal problems.
Keywords: The article states that psychoanalysis has been actively used in Lesya Ukrainka's personality in recent decades, but almost no reading of her works in the psychoanalytic key. The concept of "implicit psychoanalytic narrative" is substantiated in relation to artistic works based on the history of a person whose unconscious becomes the implicit object of the image. The necessity of using this concept to the works that emphasizes the unconscious of the characters as one of the important causes of mental disorders, life problems and tragedies is substantiated. Lesya Ukrainka's love stories are tragic, and the recipient is guided by a search for deeper motivation than what is being declared by the characters during the deployment of the plot. The psychological basis of many works by Lesya Ukrainka is clearly biographical. It is important for the author to understand, with the help of his characters, in his own internal problems.


Katerina Mudrytskaya

post-graduate student of the Department of Intellectual Property and Corporate Law National University "Odessa Law Academy", (Odessa, Ukraine)

Anotation. This article examines the problem of relations related to the research of intellectual property in the Internet. The author finds and justifies the need to define the notion of intellectual property on the Internet. The analysis of scientific literature and scientific opinions concerning the notion of intellectual property has been carried out. On this basis, the method of information protection containing intellectual property features has been investigated. In the conclusions the author suggests, the concept of intellectual property on the Internet, and also provides an author's understanding of the concept of protection of intellectual property in the Internet.
Keywords: This article examines the problem of relations related to the research of intellectual property in the Internet. The author finds and justifies the need to define the notion of intellectual property on the Internet. The analysis of scientific literature and scientific opinions concerning the notion of intellectual property has been carried out. On this basis, the method of information protection containing intellectual property features has been investigated. In the conclusions the author suggests, the concept of intellectual property on the Internet, and also provides an author's understanding of the concept of protection of intellectual property in the Internet.


Volodymyr Ortynskiy, Sergey Kolb

Volodymyr Ortynskiy Doctor of Law, Professor, Director of the Institute of Law and Psychology National University "Lviv Polytechnic" (L'viv, Ukraine)
Sergey Kolb Legal Adviser at Bona Fide, candidate of legal sciences, (Lutsk, Ukraine),

Anotation. The article analyzes the content of the concept of "determinants of crime", and on this basis certain determinants of crimes are determined, which cause and determine the commission of crimes by personnel of the colonies. In addition, a number of scientifically grounded measures have been proposed for their neutralization, blocking, elimination, and the like.
Keywords: The article analyzes the content of the concept of "determinants of crime", and on this basis certain determinants of crimes are determined, which cause and determine the commission of crimes by personnel of the colonies. In addition, a number of scientifically grounded measures have been proposed for their neutralization, blocking, elimination, and the like.


Liudmyla Pavlyshyn

Doctor of philosophical sciences, Professor, Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatyuk, (Ternopil, Ukraine)

Anotation. Research the problem is intended to demonstrate analyse the views of some famous philosophers concerning the basis of traditional morality, reasons of its rethinking and re- evaluation, thinking about the person with clear life's landmarks as the engine of social progress, a new lifestyle and action. The problems of socio-political crisis and the nihilistic attitude to the surrounding reality, the dissatisfaction of the moral condition of society at every stage of the development of society is an extremely urgent and requires urgent solution. Its relevance becomes particularly acute during the formation and strengthening of the state in a time of social, economic and political conflicts. The civilizational process, scientific and technical revolution, on the one hand, contributed to the development of human society, enriched its knowledge, skilled in computer technology, however, on the other hand, in the pursuit of new knowledge and discoveries some people forget to take their own soul. The human being is unstable and therefore everyone should critically look at itself, take the path of self-knowledge. Кnowledge about themselves can help people change their nature and the world. The man who can notice his own imperfect nature will get the inner freedom to overcome his own defects and take a chance for a higher level of development.
Keywords: Research the problem is intended to demonstrate analyse the views of some famous philosophers concerning the basis of traditional morality, reasons of its rethinking and re- evaluation, thinking about the person with clear life's landmarks as the engine of social progress, a new lifestyle and action. The problems of socio-political crisis and the nihilistic attitude to the surrounding reality, the dissatisfaction of the moral condition of society at every stage of the development of society is an extremely urgent and requires urgent solution. Its relevance becomes particularly acute during the formation and strengthening of the state in a time of social, economic and political conflicts. The civilizational process, scientific and technical revolution, on the one hand, contributed to the development of human society, enriched its knowledge, skilled in computer technology, however, on the other hand, in the pursuit of new knowledge and discoveries some people forget to take their own soul. The human being is unstable and therefore everyone should critically look at itself, take the path of self-knowledge. Кnowledge about themselves can help people change their nature and the world. The man who can notice his own imperfect nature will get the inner freedom to overcome his own defects and take a chance for a higher level of development.


Liliia Petliovana

Khmelnytskyi National University, (Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine)

Anotation. In the tourism and hospitality industry, communication is a key factor. Like most other sectors, tourism and hospitality has its own set of jargon that it’s important to learn and understand. In this industry you’ll be dealing with people a lot of the time, and you’ll need to ensure you can make recommendations, give instructions and explain situations clearly. The current paper aims at highlighting the current needs of hospitality management in Ukraine in terms of efficiency in foreign languages, as the first step towards offering future hospitality employees a competitive advantage through the development of successful higher education curricula and methodologies to master the specific vocabulary for perfect communication in the career of tourism and hospitality. Therefore, in following the international literature will be reviewed, the research process the current paper is based on will be presented and its most significant findings as well as recommended concrete actions and future research will be highlighted.
Keywords: In the tourism and hospitality industry, communication is a key factor. Like most other sectors, tourism and hospitality has its own set of jargon that it’s important to learn and understand. In this industry you’ll be dealing with people a lot of the time, and you’ll need to ensure you can make recommendations, give instructions and explain situations clearly. The current paper aims at highlighting the current needs of hospitality management in Ukraine in terms of efficiency in foreign languages, as the first step towards offering future hospitality employees a competitive advantage through the development of successful higher education curricula and methodologies to master the specific vocabulary for perfect communication in the career of tourism and hospitality. Therefore, in following the international literature will be reviewed, the research process the current paper is based on will be presented and its most significant findings as well as recommended concrete actions and future research will be highlighted.


Serhiy Romanov

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of
Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, (Lutsk, Ukraine)

Anotation. The article is dedicated to the comparative interpretation of ontological becoming of Lesya Ukrainka’s and Olga Kobylianska’s persons. The article focuses on cultural, psychological and gender aspects of historical period in the Ukraine at the break of the XIX and XX centuries. Typology of personality has been developed on time of the childhood and youth of the both girls. Special attention is paid to social norms as the most ancient ways to keep humble of a woman. There was analyzed traumatized experience, the such social representation and ways of talking about it in literary and autobiographical works. The author concludes that the biographical material opens the opportunity to take a fresh look at the life and creative ways of the famous Ukrainian writers.
Keywords: The article is dedicated to the comparative interpretation of ontological becoming of Lesya Ukrainka’s and Olga Kobylianska’s persons. The article focuses on cultural, psychological and gender aspects of historical period in the Ukraine at the break of the XIX and XX centuries. Typology of personality has been developed on time of the childhood and youth of the both girls. Special attention is paid to social norms as the most ancient ways to keep humble of a woman. There was analyzed traumatized experience, the such social representation and ways of talking about it in literary and autobiographical works. The author concludes that the biographical material opens the opportunity to take a fresh look at the life and creative ways of the famous Ukrainian writers.


Alla Stepanyuk

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor
of Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatyuk, (Ternopil, Ukraine)

Anotation. The thesis substantiates the idea of critical thinking as a hierarchical system and outlines the stages of development of this ability during the study in a general education school. The first stage in a main school is the formation of mental activity`s methods: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, comparison, generalization, conclusions, etc; the second stage is the critical thinking`s development as a complex holistic entity, which involves the formation of personal values, the ability to build their own model of a critical behavior. The method of critical thinking`s formation of students in the process of biology`s studying is developed. Its key idea is expediency of organization in the process of biological education of pupils of special purposeful activity on formation of components of critical thinking in students and its development as integral education. Components of critical thinking are formed both as a type of knowledge and as a way of doing things.
Keywords: The thesis substantiates the idea of critical thinking as a hierarchical system and outlines the stages of development of this ability during the study in a general education school. The first stage in a main school is the formation of mental activity`s methods: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, comparison, generalization, conclusions, etc; the second stage is the critical thinking`s development as a complex holistic entity, which involves the formation of personal values, the ability to build their own model of a critical behavior. The method of critical thinking`s formation of students in the process of biology`s studying is developed. Its key idea is expediency of organization in the process of biological education of pupils of special purposeful activity on formation of components of critical thinking in students and its development as integral education. Components of critical thinking are formed both as a type of knowledge and as a way of doing things.


Alla Sulyma , Olexandr Zdebskyi,Vladyslav Korzhenko

Alla Sulyma Candidate of Science in Physical Education and Sports, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Medical and Biological Foundations of Physical Education and Physical Rehabilitation
Vladyslav Korzhenko 4th year student of Faculty of Physical Education, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Olexandr Zdebskyi 4th year student of Faculty of Physical Education, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, (Vinnytsia, Ukraine),,

Anotation. The younger school age is characterized by gradual increase of physical qualities, improvement of anthropometric indicators, and consequently a change in the physical development of students. Therefore, the purpose of the article was to study and evaluation the level of physical development of pupils of the second and third grades. The physical development of junior schoolchildren evaluated by anthropometric indices: the power index, the vital index, the weight-growth index, the Pignier index, the Erisman index, the Skibinska index and the hypoxia index. The results of our study indicate that with the age of both boys and girls, an increase in the average values of the above indicators was recorded. However, in boys who study in the third grade, the increase in power and weight-growth indices is more pronounced than in girls of the same age. The average value of the weight-growth index, the Pignier index, the Erisman index, the Skibinska index and the index of hypoxia are likely improved among the third-grade pupils compared to the second grade schoolchildren, regardless of gender.
Keywords: The younger school age is characterized by gradual increase of physical qualities, improvement of anthropometric indicators, and consequently a change in the physical development of students. Therefore, the purpose of the article was to study and evaluation the level of physical development of pupils of the second and third grades. The physical development of junior schoolchildren evaluated by anthropometric indices: the power index, the vital index, the weight-growth index, the Pignier index, the Erisman index, the Skibinska index and the hypoxia index. The results of our study indicate that with the age of both boys and girls, an increase in the average values of the above indicators was recorded. However, in boys who study in the third grade, the increase in power and weight-growth indices is more pronounced than in girls of the same age. The average value of the weight-growth index, the Pignier index, the Erisman index, the Skibinska index and the index of hypoxia are likely improved among the third-grade pupils compared to the second grade schoolchildren, regardless of gender.


Ivan Haraberjush

Doctor of Law, Professor,
Professor of the Department of Law and Public Administration of Mariupol State University, (Mariupol, Ukraine)

Anotation. In article the security technics as a scientific category, a discipline component «The Special technics of law enforcement bodies» and means of protection of objects is considered. As the scientific category security technics represents set of scientific positions and recommendations for application technical, programmno-technical, programm means, substances, information systems, scientific and special methods of their use at performance of problems by subjects of security activity. Are defined system and problems of security technics. The system of security technics is made by elements which concern: general provisions, a direction of application and a functional purpose of means of security technics. Legal bases of use of security technics and organizational structures of its application for protection objects are allocated. It is shown that the regulatory legal acts making a legal basis of protection of the property and application техничких of means of protection, belong to various branches of the right. The category «the organisation of technical protection of objects» and its classification is defined.
Keywords: In article the security technics as a scientific category, a discipline component «The Special technics of law enforcement bodies» and means of protection of objects is considered. As the scientific category security technics represents set of scientific positions and recommendations for application technical, programmno-technical, programm means, substances, information systems, scientific and special methods of their use at performance of problems by subjects of security activity. Are defined system and problems of security technics. The system of security technics is made by elements which concern: general provisions, a direction of application and a functional purpose of means of security technics. Legal bases of use of security technics and organizational structures of its application for protection objects are allocated. It is shown that the regulatory legal acts making a legal basis of protection of the property and application техничких of means of protection, belong to various branches of the right. The category «the organisation of technical protection of objects» and its classification is defined.


Liliana Tserkunyk

post-graduate student of the Department of Law
Uzhhorod National University, (Uzhhorod, Ukraina)

Anotation. In the present scientific paper, the author investigates the understanding of the victim conduct of a human in general and that of the convicted persons, who became injured due to the crimes committed, in particular, at the penitentiary facilities. The author states that the victim conduct mechanism holds an essential place in the crime genesis, and this covers t he conduct of a human, a guilty person, a situation, in which the person becomes the victim of the crime, its direct causes. Concluding, the author states that, first, in accordance with the results of the present studies the victim conduct may be a conflict one, a provocative one and a thoughtless one; second, the position of the potential victim of the criminal intention, his/her life, specific features of conduct together with the victimologic situations and prerequisites of relationships with the potential offender may favor the origin of the criminal intention in the person's consciousness, stimulate its antisocial attitude and choose the way of committing the crime.
Keywords: In the present scientific paper, the author investigates the understanding of the victim conduct of a human in general and that of the convicted persons, who became injured due to the crimes committed, in particular, at the penitentiary facilities. The author states that the victim conduct mechanism holds an essential place in the crime genesis, and this covers t he conduct of a human, a guilty person, a situation, in which the person becomes the victim of the crime, its direct causes. Concluding, the author states that, first, in accordance with the results of the present studies the victim conduct may be a conflict one, a provocative one and a thoughtless one; second, the position of the potential victim of the criminal intention, his/her life, specific features of conduct together with the victimologic situations and prerequisites of relationships with the potential offender may favor the origin of the criminal intention in the person's consciousness, stimulate its antisocial attitude and choose the way of committing the crime.


Natalia Chaban

Adjunct of post-graduate and doctoral studies in the department of the theory of state and law,
National Academy of Internal Affairs, (Kiev, Ukraine)

Anotation. The historical-legal, theoretical-legal sources are analyzed and systematized basic scientific works by theme of investigation impartiality of the judiciary in the provision of human rights. Directions of the already carried out researches on the given problem are identified and summarized, as well as the low-researched aspects of the mentioned problem, which are the basis for further active study of the theoretical principles of impartiality o f the judiciary, taking into account the current state of judicial reform in Ukraine. The theoretical achievements during the independence of the Ukrainian state serve as an important confirmation that political ideology can change the direction of the judicial activity and influence the implementation of justice and law-enforcement practice.
Keywords: The historical-legal, theoretical-legal sources are analyzed and systematized basic scientific works by theme of investigation impartiality of the judiciary in the provision of human rights. Directions of the already carried out researches on the given problem are identified and summarized, as well as the low-researched aspects of the mentioned problem, which are the basis for further active study of the theoretical principles of impartiality o f the judiciary, taking into account the current state of judicial reform in Ukraine. The theoretical achievements during the independence of the Ukrainian state serve as an important confirmation that political ideology can change the direction of the judicial activity and influence the implementation of justice and law-enforcement practice.


Olga Yablonska

Candidate of Philology Sciences (Ph. D.), Associate Professor of the Department of
Ukrainian Literature Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

Anotation. In the article, in the context of mythological and literary traditions, Lesya Ukrainka's drama-fantasy is considered as the ideological and artistic realization of the philosophy of eternal return, in particular in the aspect of the mythology of «death-resurrection». The specificity of such aspects as the cyclicity of being, the antinomy of the world, elements of earth and fire, the otherworldly, psycho-characteristic of the Ukrainian world is traced. Mythological and psychoanalytic approaches provided the reading of the primitive / deep and social in the text. In particular, the psychological characteristics of the heroes of the work are noted: the infantilism of Lukash, his mother as a false woman, the accentuate personality of the Carpathian. It is noted that the life story of Lukash is the development, decay and revival of love as a spiritual beginning; his state of wolves can be regarded as a phenomenon of t emporary death. It is proved that the mythology of «death - the resurrection» is decisive in the poetry of Lesya Ukrainka's «Forest Song».
Keywords: In the article, in the context of mythological and literary traditions, Lesya Ukrainka's drama-fantasy is considered as the ideological and artistic realization of the philosophy of eternal return, in particular in the aspect of the mythology of «death-resurrection». The specificity of such aspects as the cyclicity of being, the antinomy of the world, elements of earth and fire, the otherworldly, psycho-characteristic of the Ukrainian world is traced. Mythological and psychoanalytic approaches provided the reading of the primitive / deep and social in the text. In particular, the psychological characteristics of the heroes of the work are noted: the infantilism of Lukash, his mother as a false woman, the accentuate personality of the Carpathian. It is noted that the life story of Lukash is the development, decay and revival of love as a spiritual beginning; his state of wolves can be regarded as a phenomenon of t emporary death. It is proved that the mythology of «death - the resurrection» is decisive in the poetry of Lesya Ukrainka's «Forest Song».


Bogdan Zamula

candidate for the Department of Criminalistics and Forensic Medicine of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Anotation. The article reveals a forensic description of the murders committed by foreigners in Ukraine. The opinion on elements of forensic characteristics is analyzed. The author focuses on the main elements of forensic characteristics. Methods of committing this category of crimes are revealed. The most common set of trace information is provided, which will serve as evidence of a person's fault. The description of the person of the offender and the victim, which will be important for the investigation process, is disclosed.
Keywords: The article reveals a forensic description of the murders committed by foreigners in Ukraine. The opinion on elements of forensic characteristics is analyzed. The author focuses on the main elements of forensic characteristics. Methods of committing this category of crimes are revealed. The most common set of trace information is provided, which will serve as evidence of a person's fault. The description of the person of the offender and the victim, which will be important for the investigation process, is disclosed.