Journal №1 (29) 2020|KELM


LAWYER / ATTORNEY AS A SOCIO-CULTURAL CODE (before posing a number of related problems)

Olha Balynska

Doctor of Law, Professor
Vice-rector of
Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, (Lviv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0168-143X
Anotation. One of the national socio-cultural codes is examined, which reflects a separate, almost the main aspect of the regulation of relations in society - law, legal reality as such; the lawyer is considered as a key to understanding the legal culture of Ukrainians. The types of legal practice that demonstrate the type palette of the legal profession (judge, investigator, notary, prosecutor, lawyer, legal adviser, etc.) are not detailed, but the generalized concept of "lawyer" (or its Ukrainian equivalent "lawyer") is emphasized. In particular, the semantic, logical, ontological and institutional meaning of the term "lawyer" / "attorney" is considered, which demonstrates the dependence of society's attitude to law, level of legal awareness, and therefore socio-cultural code. In this context, several problematic issues have been identified that require separate detailed consideration. It is determined that the socio-cultural code can be considered a socially significant normative information formation, which records the basic values and achievements received by the people or the nation. This code can reproduce key symbols and signs, established phrases, gestures, phenomena and things, literary works - and all this can easily identify one person with the whole nation or be not entirely clear to members of another ethnic group. Socio-cultural codes can not only demonstrate national characteristics, but also be a kind of filter when the "other" enters a certain socio-cultural space (from life and family to employment and public service). It is concluded that the socio-cultural code "lawyer" / "attorney" should ideally make every member of society confident that the real equivalent of this code, the bearer of the meaning of this concept is a good connoisseur of law, a clear executor of legal norms, an unappealable servant of justice.
Keywords: One of the national socio-cultural codes is examined, which reflects a separate, almost the main aspect of the regulation of relations in society - law, legal reality as such; the lawyer is considered as a key to understanding the legal culture of Ukrainians. The types of legal practice that demonstrate the type palette of the legal profession (judge, investigator, notary, prosecutor, lawyer, legal adviser, etc.) are not detailed, but the generalized concept of "lawyer" (or its Ukrainian equivalent "lawyer") is emphasized. In particular, the semantic, logical, ontological and institutional meaning of the term "lawyer" / "attorney" is considered, which demonstrates the dependence of society's attitude to law, level of legal awareness, and therefore socio-cultural code. In this context, several problematic issues have been identified that require separate detailed consideration. It is determined that the socio-cultural code can be considered a socially significant normative information formation, which records the basic values and achievements received by the people or the nation. This code can reproduce key symbols and signs, established phrases, gestures, phenomena and things, literary works - and all this can easily identify one person with the whole nation or be not entirely clear to members of another ethnic group. Socio-cultural codes can not only demonstrate national characteristics, but also be a kind of filter when the "other" enters a certain socio-cultural space (from life and family to employment and public service). It is concluded that the socio-cultural code "lawyer" / "attorney" should ideally make every member of society confident that the real equivalent of this code, the bearer of the meaning of this concept is a good connoisseur of law, a clear executor of legal norms, an unappealable servant of justice.


Dong Zhiwei

Department of Finance and Innovation Management
Vinnytsia National Technical University, (Vinnytsia, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0983-9107
Anotation. The article builds statistically significant and adequate economic and mathematical regression linear models of the relationship of consolidated expenditures in education sector, on gross domestic product by the type of activity "Education", which characterizes the end result of economic activity of resident units in the field of educational services. The analysis showed that the consolidated expenditures for education by the sectors grow during the period of 2012 – 2018. To study the connection between the volume of the consolidated expenditures by the sectors of the education branch and GDP, the correlation field between the consolidated expenditures for the education by the sectors of the education branch and GDP of the education branch was constructed and it was determined that the linear dependence can exist between the volume of the consolidated expenditures of the sectors of the education branch and GDP. We calculated the parameters of the econometric model dependence of GDP of the education branch on the consolidated expenditures by the sectors of the education branch, the obtained results were substituted in the econometric model and we got the following formulas of GDP dependence on the consolidated expenditures of the education branch. The suggested models are adequate and correctly describe the dependence between the volume of the consolidated expenditures for education and GDP of the education branch. The obtained economic-mathematical regression linear models allow to determine the forecast value of 58 © Knowledge, Education, Law, Management ISSN 2353-8406 Knowledge, Education, Law, Management 2020 № 1 (29) the dependent variable (GDP of educational branch) by means of substitution in the equation the corresponding value of independent variable (consolidated expenditures for education of the corresponding sector). As a result, the forecast value of GDP by the type of activity "Education" by sector is obtained.
Keywords: The article builds statistically significant and adequate economic and mathematical regression linear models of the relationship of consolidated expenditures in education sector, on gross domestic product by the type of activity "Education", which characterizes the end result of economic activity of resident units in the field of educational services. The analysis showed that the consolidated expenditures for education by the sectors grow during the period of 2012 – 2018. To study the connection between the volume of the consolidated expenditures by the sectors of the education branch and GDP, the correlation field between the consolidated expenditures for the education by the sectors of the education branch and GDP of the education branch was constructed and it was determined that the linear dependence can exist between the volume of the consolidated expenditures of the sectors of the education branch and GDP. We calculated the parameters of the econometric model dependence of GDP of the education branch on the consolidated expenditures by the sectors of the education branch, the obtained results were substituted in the econometric model and we got the following formulas of GDP dependence on the consolidated expenditures of the education branch. The suggested models are adequate and correctly describe the dependence between the volume of the consolidated expenditures for education and GDP of the education branch. The obtained economic-mathematical regression linear models allow to determine the forecast value of 58 © Knowledge, Education, Law, Management ISSN 2353-8406 Knowledge, Education, Law, Management 2020 № 1 (29) the dependent variable (GDP of educational branch) by means of substitution in the equation the corresponding value of independent variable (consolidated expenditures for education of the corresponding sector). As a result, the forecast value of GDP by the type of activity "Education" by sector is obtained.


Olesia Halamay

an applicant of
the department of theory and history of state and law,
constitutional and international law of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs (Lviv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4396-0787
Anotation. The article deals with such complex and multifaceted philosophical and legal phenomenon as custom in law. Different scholars and scientists usually examine the custom, and mostly consider it as a traditional attribute of a society or a part of national culture. We have tried to focus, first of all, on the custom in law and to examine it from the standpoint of the natural and legal factors that laid down the philosophical foundations of the world and human life, and in the historical process of its development form models of relationships, in particular in the field of law. The article deals with such complex and multifaceted philosophical and legal phenomenon as custom in law. Different scholars and scientists usually examine the custom, and mostly consider it as a traditional attribute of a society or a part of national culture. We have tried to focus, first of all, on the custom in law and to examine it from the standpoint of the natural and legal factors that laid down the philosophical foundations of the world and human life, and in the historical process of its development form models of relationships, in particular in the field of law.
Keywords: The article deals with such complex and multifaceted philosophical and legal phenomenon as custom in law. Different scholars and scientists usually examine the custom, and mostly consider it as a traditional attribute of a society or a part of national culture. We have tried to focus, first of all, on the custom in law and to examine it from the standpoint of the natural and legal factors that laid down the philosophical foundations of the world and human life, and in the historical process of its development form models of relationships, in particular in the field of law. The article deals with such complex and multifaceted philosophical and legal phenomenon as custom in law. Different scholars and scientists usually examine the custom, and mostly consider it as a traditional attribute of a society or a part of national culture. We have tried to focus, first of all, on the custom in law and to examine it from the standpoint of the natural and legal factors that laid down the philosophical foundations of the world and human life, and in the historical process of its development form models of relationships, in particular in the field of law.


Natalia Golod

Senior Lecturer of
the Department of Linguistic
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4754-844X
Anotation. The article is dedicated to the study of dialectic unity of the conceptual thesises of the populism and modernism in the structure of Stefanyk's artistic method. In the research the scientific methods of analysis and synthesis are used as well as the special literary studies ones: cultural and historical, biographical, partially psyhocanalytical, comparative and sociological. The peculiarities of the world view and philosophic ground are studied, as well as the genetic structure and poetical features of the writer's short prose. Cultural and historical as well as individual and authorical determinants of Stefanyk's gravity towards searching the hybrid genres in artistic work are found out. The results of the research allow to make conclusions that the world view and philosophical ground for the artistic method of Vasyl Stefanyk was the "Philosophy of suffering" by A. Schopenhauer. The generics of the small prose of the writer contains not only "pure" kinds and genres, but also the so-called hybrid forms (dramaturgical elements in short stories in particular). The biggest impact on formation of the artistic method of Vasyl Stefanyk was the poetics of expressionism. The consolidated development of the cultural and historical processes between the centuries demanded from the short stories to address the dramaturgical principle of depicting action "here and now", whereas Stefanyk's sentiments towards the peasant themes, his knowledge of the true peasant life impacted the writer's search for new modernised forms in conjunction with the traditional for Ukrainian literature respect to the populist meaning.
Keywords: The article is dedicated to the study of dialectic unity of the conceptual thesises of the populism and modernism in the structure of Stefanyk's artistic method. In the research the scientific methods of analysis and synthesis are used as well as the special literary studies ones: cultural and historical, biographical, partially psyhocanalytical, comparative and sociological. The peculiarities of the world view and philosophic ground are studied, as well as the genetic structure and poetical features of the writer's short prose. Cultural and historical as well as individual and authorical determinants of Stefanyk's gravity towards searching the hybrid genres in artistic work are found out. The results of the research allow to make conclusions that the world view and philosophical ground for the artistic method of Vasyl Stefanyk was the "Philosophy of suffering" by A. Schopenhauer. The generics of the small prose of the writer contains not only "pure" kinds and genres, but also the so-called hybrid forms (dramaturgical elements in short stories in particular). The biggest impact on formation of the artistic method of Vasyl Stefanyk was the poetics of expressionism. The consolidated development of the cultural and historical processes between the centuries demanded from the short stories to address the dramaturgical principle of depicting action "here and now", whereas Stefanyk's sentiments towards the peasant themes, his knowledge of the true peasant life impacted the writer's search for new modernised forms in conjunction with the traditional for Ukrainian literature respect to the populist meaning.


Oleksandra Hrynkiv

Candidate of Law Science,
State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, (Kyiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1002-7955
Anotation. In the scientific article, which based on generalizations of scientific views, considers operative and search prevention in the system of combating crimes at the state border from the standpoint that operative and search prevention is a form of operational and service activity in general and operative and search activity in particular. In addition, it is emphasized that operative and search prevention in today's conditions is effective means of combating crime and also the duty of operational units in accordance with Part 1 of Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine «On operative and search activity». The thesis on the effectiveness of crime prevention, which is usually easier to prevent than to detect and punish the perpetrator, is substantiated. It is noted that the combating crime follows from the functions of criminal law - the main areas of influence on public relations and behavior of a person for the purpose of settlement, protection and defense. Attention is focused on the lack of a unified position of scientists on the general concept of activities aimed at combating crime. Taking into account the results of the analysis of national legislation, the opinion of scientists, the author considers it appropriate to use the term «prevention» in jurisprudence. The author considers that operative and search prevention is one of the tasks of operative and search subdivisions of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, outlines and directs the directions of their activity, etc. The researcher formulates her own definition: «Operative and search prevention in the system of combating crimes at the state border - is a set of measures and tactical methods aimed at identifying the causes and conditions that contribute to the commission of offenses at the state border of Ukraine, their elimination, as well as prevention by operative and search measures influence on persons prone to offenses at the state border, operational and investigative measures influence on persons prone to offenses at the state border, in order to directly achieve a reduction in the level of offenses, avoid criminal encroachments and timely elimination of criminogenic factors through operational and forecasting and crime prevention within and in accordance with the operative and search capabilities permitted by national law».
Keywords: In the scientific article, which based on generalizations of scientific views, considers operative and search prevention in the system of combating crimes at the state border from the standpoint that operative and search prevention is a form of operational and service activity in general and operative and search activity in particular. In addition, it is emphasized that operative and search prevention in today's conditions is effective means of combating crime and also the duty of operational units in accordance with Part 1 of Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine «On operative and search activity». The thesis on the effectiveness of crime prevention, which is usually easier to prevent than to detect and punish the perpetrator, is substantiated. It is noted that the combating crime follows from the functions of criminal law - the main areas of influence on public relations and behavior of a person for the purpose of settlement, protection and defense. Attention is focused on the lack of a unified position of scientists on the general concept of activities aimed at combating crime. Taking into account the results of the analysis of national legislation, the opinion of scientists, the author considers it appropriate to use the term «prevention» in jurisprudence. The author considers that operative and search prevention is one of the tasks of operative and search subdivisions of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, outlines and directs the directions of their activity, etc. The researcher formulates her own definition: «Operative and search prevention in the system of combating crimes at the state border - is a set of measures and tactical methods aimed at identifying the causes and conditions that contribute to the commission of offenses at the state border of Ukraine, their elimination, as well as prevention by operative and search measures influence on persons prone to offenses at the state border, operational and investigative measures influence on persons prone to offenses at the state border, in order to directly achieve a reduction in the level of offenses, avoid criminal encroachments and timely elimination of criminogenic factors through operational and forecasting and crime prevention within and in accordance with the operative and search capabilities permitted by national law».


Anna Kniazevych

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of
Department of Management,
International University of Economics and Humanities academician Stepan Demianchuk,( Rivne, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5394-5599
Anotation. The purpose of the article is to investigate of the process of commercialization of innovative ideas and factors that contribute to its acceleration. In the article the processes of formation of the market of innovations are investigated. On the effectiveness of this market, the possibilities of rational use of the accumulated scientific and technical and educational potential, the revival of the market of innovative offers, the formation of the innovative infrastructure of the country, depend to a large extent. Intellectual work is becoming increasingly important and becoming a major factor which is necessary for the realization of the concept of the knowledge of economy of post-industrial society. In the article the processes of formation of the innovation market are presented. On the effectiveness of this market, the possibilities of rational use of the accumulated scientific and technical and educational potential, the revival of the market of innovative offers, the formation of the innovative infrastructure of the country, depend to a large extent. The innovation market is a set of the organizational and economic relations that arise in the process of exchanging of the results of innovation activity and the harmonization of interests of participants on the prices, terms and scope of this exchange. The innovation market generates a demand and determines the supply of the intellectual property products. The innovation market consists of three main parts: the market of intellectual property, the market of innovative projects and the market of ready-to-use innovative products, goods, services. Innovation subjects at the different stages of the innovation commercializations become customers, buyers or sellers. The communication factors play a key role in the dissemination of the new scientific and technical products. The high level of the information exchange facilitates the rapid diffusion of the innovation.
Keywords: The purpose of the article is to investigate of the process of commercialization of innovative ideas and factors that contribute to its acceleration. In the article the processes of formation of the market of innovations are investigated. On the effectiveness of this market, the possibilities of rational use of the accumulated scientific and technical and educational potential, the revival of the market of innovative offers, the formation of the innovative infrastructure of the country, depend to a large extent. Intellectual work is becoming increasingly important and becoming a major factor which is necessary for the realization of the concept of the knowledge of economy of post-industrial society. In the article the processes of formation of the innovation market are presented. On the effectiveness of this market, the possibilities of rational use of the accumulated scientific and technical and educational potential, the revival of the market of innovative offers, the formation of the innovative infrastructure of the country, depend to a large extent. The innovation market is a set of the organizational and economic relations that arise in the process of exchanging of the results of innovation activity and the harmonization of interests of participants on the prices, terms and scope of this exchange. The innovation market generates a demand and determines the supply of the intellectual property products. The innovation market consists of three main parts: the market of intellectual property, the market of innovative projects and the market of ready-to-use innovative products, goods, services. Innovation subjects at the different stages of the innovation commercializations become customers, buyers or sellers. The communication factors play a key role in the dissemination of the new scientific and technical products. The high level of the information exchange facilitates the rapid diffusion of the innovation.


Olena Kryvoruchko

Ph.D. candidate with
The National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, (Rivne, Ukraine)

Anotation. The model of dependence between the volume of capital investments and gross domestic product (GDP) by type of activity "Transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities" is determined. The following macroeconomic indicators were used as experimental data to calculate the dependence of Ukraine's GDP growth on the volume of investment in the transport sector: statistical data on capital investment and gross domestic product by type of activity "Transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities"; the amount of investment in land and pipeline transport at actual prices; volume of investments in water transport; volume of investments in air transport; volume of investments in warehousing and ancillary activities in the field of transport; volume of investments in postal and courier activities. Comparative study of quality of iterative linear and combinatorial algorithms applying a group method of data handling (GMDH) is carried out and efficiency of use of group method of data handling at forecasting of GDP is shown. It is proved that the indicators used in GDP forecasting have a joint (synergistic) multiplier effect on GDP, which indicates a nonlinear relationship between the investment indicators used and GDP. Using a combined iterative-combinatorial (sqcombi c) model, the forecast value of GDP for the next year is determined. The forecast quarterly values of variables for the next year are determined by calculating the values of the linear trend in Excel. To forecast capital investments, the equation of linear trends of capital investments for each type of economic activity of future periods is obtained and the forecast of the total volume of capital investments is obtained. The forecast value of GDP was calculated using a combined iterative-combinatorial model (sqcombi c), and the results of the calculation allowed to predict the following dependence.An increase in capital investment provides accelerated economic development; new technologies and processes are introduced leading to an increase in the level of competitiveness of both business entities and goods and services; staff qualification increases; the process of forming a favourable investment climate in the country, for both domestic and foreign investors, accelerates; the development of effective integration processes is taking place; the processes of integration of the domestic economy into the world economy accelerate, and the advantages of international division and cooperation are employed.
Keywords: The model of dependence between the volume of capital investments and gross domestic product (GDP) by type of activity "Transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities" is determined. The following macroeconomic indicators were used as experimental data to calculate the dependence of Ukraine's GDP growth on the volume of investment in the transport sector: statistical data on capital investment and gross domestic product by type of activity "Transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities"; the amount of investment in land and pipeline transport at actual prices; volume of investments in water transport; volume of investments in air transport; volume of investments in warehousing and ancillary activities in the field of transport; volume of investments in postal and courier activities. Comparative study of quality of iterative linear and combinatorial algorithms applying a group method of data handling (GMDH) is carried out and efficiency of use of group method of data handling at forecasting of GDP is shown. It is proved that the indicators used in GDP forecasting have a joint (synergistic) multiplier effect on GDP, which indicates a nonlinear relationship between the investment indicators used and GDP. Using a combined iterative-combinatorial (sqcombi c) model, the forecast value of GDP for the next year is determined. The forecast quarterly values of variables for the next year are determined by calculating the values of the linear trend in Excel. To forecast capital investments, the equation of linear trends of capital investments for each type of economic activity of future periods is obtained and the forecast of the total volume of capital investments is obtained. The forecast value of GDP was calculated using a combined iterative-combinatorial model (sqcombi c), and the results of the calculation allowed to predict the following dependence.An increase in capital investment provides accelerated economic development; new technologies and processes are introduced leading to an increase in the level of competitiveness of both business entities and goods and services; staff qualification increases; the process of forming a favourable investment climate in the country, for both domestic and foreign investors, accelerates; the development of effective integration processes is taking place; the processes of integration of the domestic economy into the world economy accelerate, and the advantages of international division and cooperation are employed.


Stanislav Makarenko

Adjunct of
the Department of Operational and Investigative Activity of the Faculty № 2 of the Institute for Training Specialists for the National Police Units of
the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs (Lviv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2749-5069
Anotation. A historical and legal analysis of regulatory and legislative support for the protection of state secrets as part of ensuring national security of Ukraine from independence to the formation of modern and current executive bodies that provide state policy in the field of protection of state secrets in particular and protection of national security in general. All stages of formation and establishment of the system of protection of state secrets in Ukraine are considered in detail, the thorny and not easy way of establishment of institute of protection of state secrets at the level of the leading countries of the world is covered, to ensure the widest possible access to information and at the same time protect information that is important for the national security. A historical study of all major bodies formed on the territory of Ukraine, the functions of which included ensuring the protection of state secrets and carefully covered the main directions of development of legislation governing these relations. The article lists all the basic legal acts that were created during the formation of the system of protection of state secrets in independent Ukraine during the formation of a free, independent state. The analysis of the main elements of the system of protection of state secrets in independent, sovereign Ukraine and the levels of functioning of the system of protection of state secrets to build its organizational and legal structure of an open democratic society, establishing theoretical and legal principles, defining its tasks and purpose.
Keywords: A historical and legal analysis of regulatory and legislative support for the protection of state secrets as part of ensuring national security of Ukraine from independence to the formation of modern and current executive bodies that provide state policy in the field of protection of state secrets in particular and protection of national security in general. All stages of formation and establishment of the system of protection of state secrets in Ukraine are considered in detail, the thorny and not easy way of establishment of institute of protection of state secrets at the level of the leading countries of the world is covered, to ensure the widest possible access to information and at the same time protect information that is important for the national security. A historical study of all major bodies formed on the territory of Ukraine, the functions of which included ensuring the protection of state secrets and carefully covered the main directions of development of legislation governing these relations. The article lists all the basic legal acts that were created during the formation of the system of protection of state secrets in independent Ukraine during the formation of a free, independent state. The analysis of the main elements of the system of protection of state secrets in independent, sovereign Ukraine and the levels of functioning of the system of protection of state secrets to build its organizational and legal structure of an open democratic society, establishing theoretical and legal principles, defining its tasks and purpose.


Maria Moklytsya

doctor of Philology, Professor,
Head of the Department of Theory of Literature and Foreign Literature of
the East-European National University named after Lesya Ukrainka (Lutsk, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000/-0001-7984-4377
Anotation. The article deals with interpretative models that have become canonical over a long time studying Lesya Ukrainka's works ("romanticism / neo-romanticism", "folklore", "traditionalism / neoclassicism", "literature for children", "daughter of Prometheus"). Formed by the horizon of understanding of contemporaries, these interpretative models significantly narrowed the horizon of understanding of the author, determined markers. Despite the updating of methodologies in Ukrainian literary studies of recent decades, canonical interpretative models have been only partially exempt from obvious ideologues. But the problem of inadequate reading of Lesya Ukrainka's work remained. First of all, she finds herself in defining her dramatic work as new romantic, not modernist. Lesya Ukrainka's dramaturgy is an innovative phenomenon in ideological and genre-style terms. Models of reading offered by contemporaries have been reinforced and used ideology in both Soviet and diaspora literary studies. Obsolete interpretive models do not allow us to properly appreciate the dramatic work of Lesya Ukrainka and find the appropriate literary and artistic context.
Keywords: The article deals with interpretative models that have become canonical over a long time studying Lesya Ukrainka's works ("romanticism / neo-romanticism", "folklore", "traditionalism / neoclassicism", "literature for children", "daughter of Prometheus"). Formed by the horizon of understanding of contemporaries, these interpretative models significantly narrowed the horizon of understanding of the author, determined markers. Despite the updating of methodologies in Ukrainian literary studies of recent decades, canonical interpretative models have been only partially exempt from obvious ideologues. But the problem of inadequate reading of Lesya Ukrainka's work remained. First of all, she finds herself in defining her dramatic work as new romantic, not modernist. Lesya Ukrainka's dramaturgy is an innovative phenomenon in ideological and genre-style terms. Models of reading offered by contemporaries have been reinforced and used ideology in both Soviet and diaspora literary studies. Obsolete interpretive models do not allow us to properly appreciate the dramatic work of Lesya Ukrainka and find the appropriate literary and artistic context.


Olena Tsybulska

a postgraduate student of theory and methodology
of primary education department
Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University (Ukraine, Lutsk)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8681-595
Anotation. On the basis of analysis and generalization of a number of scientific researches the author substantiates the urgency of the problem raised, made a theoretical excursion into its essence; stressed that health is a socio-cultural phenomenon; the essential characteristics of the basic definitions, their genesis, ways of formation in the aspect of the specified direction and their place in the system of pedagogical categories as an important concept of the concept of education, dynamic, holistic formation, manifested at different levels of life: somatic, mental, moral, spiritual. There are a number of concepts that define the essential basis of the study, including "health", "health saving", "culture of health saving", "health promotion" ("healthpromotion"); basic aspects of health care have been analysed. It is stated that the semantic characteristics of basic concepts of the problem of health saving are successfully introduced into the system of pedagogical categories; analysed concepts are widely used in pedagogical theory and practice, representing the essence of the basic processes associated with the preservation, strengthening and formation of the phenomenon under study. The scientific and pedagogical approaches to the problem of health protection in domestic and foreign scientific sources are characterized; health saving has been interpreted as a socio-cultural phenomenon in the systematic orientation of the subjects of the educational process to ensure the physical, spiritual, mental and social well-being of the individual; raising the value of one's own health and the health of others; a process focused on self-regulation of the individual and the acquisition of the meaning of a healthy lifestyle; a process of education and upbringing that does not directly or indirectly harm health, creates a safe and comfortable environment, provides an educational trajectory for the child with the prevention of stress and overload. On the basis of the comparative analysis the basic definitions of the concepts concerning the pedagogical construct of the stated problem in foreign scientific and pedagogical sources are distinguished: «healthpromotion» is interpreted as the process of forming a healthy lifestyle, responsible behaviour for one's health and the health of others; as advocacy, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, which is to promote health policies, create a health-friendly environment, develop partnerships, personal skills, and increase the availability of health care services. Conducted categorical analysis of isolated concepts allowed to ascertain their presence in pedagogical theory and practice, where they represent the essence of processes that contribute to the strengthening, formation, health of the individual. The priority of health saving in the formation and development of personality is emphasized; emphasized the importance of harmonizing the cultural and educational space. The health of the nation is an indicator of the civilization of the state, the main criterion for the effectiveness of its social development, the property of both the individual and the entire society. Each person's life activity is largely determined by his or her state of health and, accordingly, the successful development of society depends on the health of the entire population. Undoubtedly, human health is not only a lack of disease, but also well-being, energy, cheerfulness, the ability to quickly recover from overloads and successfully overcome diseases. Health determines the spiritual, socio-economic and human-biological well-being of society, the level of civilization of the country. Promoting and preserving health is a value that is of strategic importance for the successful development of society, a resource and a goal of life for every individual, and therefore belongs to current educational tasks. The humanization of education requires a qualitatively new approach to human needs, the formation of sustainable motivations for healthy lifestyles, positive social behaviour, and nurturing a culture of health conservation in general.
Keywords: On the basis of analysis and generalization of a number of scientific researches the author substantiates the urgency of the problem raised, made a theoretical excursion into its essence; stressed that health is a socio-cultural phenomenon; the essential characteristics of the basic definitions, their genesis, ways of formation in the aspect of the specified direction and their place in the system of pedagogical categories as an important concept of the concept of education, dynamic, holistic formation, manifested at different levels of life: somatic, mental, moral, spiritual. There are a number of concepts that define the essential basis of the study, including "health", "health saving", "culture of health saving", "health promotion" ("healthpromotion"); basic aspects of health care have been analysed. It is stated that the semantic characteristics of basic concepts of the problem of health saving are successfully introduced into the system of pedagogical categories; analysed concepts are widely used in pedagogical theory and practice, representing the essence of the basic processes associated with the preservation, strengthening and formation of the phenomenon under study. The scientific and pedagogical approaches to the problem of health protection in domestic and foreign scientific sources are characterized; health saving has been interpreted as a socio-cultural phenomenon in the systematic orientation of the subjects of the educational process to ensure the physical, spiritual, mental and social well-being of the individual; raising the value of one's own health and the health of others; a process focused on self-regulation of the individual and the acquisition of the meaning of a healthy lifestyle; a process of education and upbringing that does not directly or indirectly harm health, creates a safe and comfortable environment, provides an educational trajectory for the child with the prevention of stress and overload. On the basis of the comparative analysis the basic definitions of the concepts concerning the pedagogical construct of the stated problem in foreign scientific and pedagogical sources are distinguished: «healthpromotion» is interpreted as the process of forming a healthy lifestyle, responsible behaviour for one's health and the health of others; as advocacy, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, which is to promote health policies, create a health-friendly environment, develop partnerships, personal skills, and increase the availability of health care services. Conducted categorical analysis of isolated concepts allowed to ascertain their presence in pedagogical theory and practice, where they represent the essence of processes that contribute to the strengthening, formation, health of the individual. The priority of health saving in the formation and development of personality is emphasized; emphasized the importance of harmonizing the cultural and educational space. The health of the nation is an indicator of the civilization of the state, the main criterion for the effectiveness of its social development, the property of both the individual and the entire society. Each person's life activity is largely determined by his or her state of health and, accordingly, the successful development of society depends on the health of the entire population. Undoubtedly, human health is not only a lack of disease, but also well-being, energy, cheerfulness, the ability to quickly recover from overloads and successfully overcome diseases. Health determines the spiritual, socio-economic and human-biological well-being of society, the level of civilization of the country. Promoting and preserving health is a value that is of strategic importance for the successful development of society, a resource and a goal of life for every individual, and therefore belongs to current educational tasks. The humanization of education requires a qualitatively new approach to human needs, the formation of sustainable motivations for healthy lifestyles, positive social behaviour, and nurturing a culture of health conservation in general.


Evgen Vojtovych

National Academy of
Internal Affairs of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3207-6045
Anotation. The investigation of enforced disappearance of human involves the involvement of a wide range of workers, which are determined depending on the specific situation, powers and competencies. Achieving a positive result in the work of detecting and stopping crimes and its investigation depend on the establishment of an effective mechanism of interaction as an element of the organization of the investigator. The article considers various issues of activity of competent subjects for the purpose of the decision of problems of pre-trial investigation, interaction at realization of measures of the international cooperation in investigation of enforced disappearance of human. It is established that the activity of Investigator Department from National Police of Ukraine and activity of the competent authorities of foreign states depend on criminal and processual feature. In this article is showed ways how Investigator Department of National Police of Ukraine connecting with other departments of foreign countries, which can be possible because of the Department of International Cooperation and European Integration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Department of International Police Cooperation of the National Police of Ukraine. This uses the capabilities of the International Criminal Police Organization - Interpol, as well as the European Police Office (Europol).
Keywords: The investigation of enforced disappearance of human involves the involvement of a wide range of workers, which are determined depending on the specific situation, powers and competencies. Achieving a positive result in the work of detecting and stopping crimes and its investigation depend on the establishment of an effective mechanism of interaction as an element of the organization of the investigator. The article considers various issues of activity of competent subjects for the purpose of the decision of problems of pre-trial investigation, interaction at realization of measures of the international cooperation in investigation of enforced disappearance of human. It is established that the activity of Investigator Department from National Police of Ukraine and activity of the competent authorities of foreign states depend on criminal and processual feature. In this article is showed ways how Investigator Department of National Police of Ukraine connecting with other departments of foreign countries, which can be possible because of the Department of International Cooperation and European Integration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Department of International Police Cooperation of the National Police of Ukraine. This uses the capabilities of the International Criminal Police Organization - Interpol, as well as the European Police Office (Europol).


Oleg Batiuk

Candidate of Law Science, Associate Professor, Professor of
the Department of Criminal Law,
Procedure and Criminalistics Kyiv Institute of Intellectual Property and Law, ‘Odessa Law Academy’ National University, (Kyiv, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2291-4247
Anotation. The author offers his own definition of the concept of legal regulation of autonomous robots and artificial intelligence (AI) that is based on etymological concepts, legal regulation, robot, artificial intelligence and scientific views of scientists, who were exploring the legal aspects of robotics and artificial intelligence. The author notes that the legal regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) today is not only relevant, but too late because the rapid development of robotics is flooding all spheres of human life. That is why it is expedient, first, to create immediately the working groups, which should include not only lawyers, scientists and practitioners, but also specialists in the field of information technologies, mechanics, engineers and technicians in the field of robotics and mechatronics, specialists in the field of health and medicine. On the example of the Committee for the issues of development of the field of artificial intelligence in Ukraine, which was created by Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine in 2020. Secondly, all subjects of the legislative initiative should introduce the projects of normative legal acts in which should clearly define changes and additions to the current codified laws in certain legal areas: constitutional law, administrative law, civil law, commercial law, environmental law, criminal law. The author of the article offers to start the creation of a single legal framework that could regulate the projecting, development and application of artificial intelligence, which significantly affect human rights, democracy and the rule of law. We also consider it expedient for the newly created Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine to propose to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to consolidate the existing standards with the help of the interpreting the norms, principles and values that have been already adopted in this area, or of the development of the Draft Law of Ukraine "On the adoption of standards that are necessary for the digital age".
Keywords: The author offers his own definition of the concept of legal regulation of autonomous robots and artificial intelligence (AI) that is based on etymological concepts, legal regulation, robot, artificial intelligence and scientific views of scientists, who were exploring the legal aspects of robotics and artificial intelligence. The author notes that the legal regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) today is not only relevant, but too late because the rapid development of robotics is flooding all spheres of human life. That is why it is expedient, first, to create immediately the working groups, which should include not only lawyers, scientists and practitioners, but also specialists in the field of information technologies, mechanics, engineers and technicians in the field of robotics and mechatronics, specialists in the field of health and medicine. On the example of the Committee for the issues of development of the field of artificial intelligence in Ukraine, which was created by Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine in 2020. Secondly, all subjects of the legislative initiative should introduce the projects of normative legal acts in which should clearly define changes and additions to the current codified laws in certain legal areas: constitutional law, administrative law, civil law, commercial law, environmental law, criminal law. The author of the article offers to start the creation of a single legal framework that could regulate the projecting, development and application of artificial intelligence, which significantly affect human rights, democracy and the rule of law. We also consider it expedient for the newly created Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine to propose to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to consolidate the existing standards with the help of the interpreting the norms, principles and values that have been already adopted in this area, or of the development of the Draft Law of Ukraine "On the adoption of standards that are necessary for the digital age".


Yurii Paida

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Vice-rector for educational and scientific work,
Kamianets-Podilskyi Tax Institute (Kamianets-Podilsk, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6424-6419
Anotation. The article deals with the analysis of various aspects of the mutual influence of culture and religion, because reinterpretation of religion values, a meaningful, semantic element of religion is necessary and has evident practical dimension that affects forming of the optimal cultural paradigm. As the questions of the essence of religion have long been controversial they caused several basic approaches to understanding and defining religion, namely, theological, philosophical, sociological, psychological, and others, were formed which mainly differ in the explanatory principle. At the same time, all approaches are interconnected and, first of all, due to the influence of one on another, the use of one or another ideological tradition of the specific ideas of their opponents, and so on. The article also analyses various philosophical approaches to understanding religion, knowledge of many provisions of the Scriptures, theological and religious-philosophical literature, communication with clerics and believers that allow to explain the vision of the essence of this phenomenon. So, a man, who associates oneself with religion, changes not only ideological orientations, but also is renewed spiritually, rebuilt psychologically (sensually), deliberately chooses a verbally prescribed, and often ascetic way of life. The righteous, just and true thoughts and actions become an indisputable rule for true believers. The author states that religion is a special sphere of the spiritual life of the individual and society, a social phenomenon characterized by a deeply conscious high-spiritual mission, psychological mood and the corresponding practical actions of the individual or the human community associated with their attitude to the transcendental and the supernatural. And as a result, it is necessary to remember that the essence of the knowledge of religion is to consider it from different worldview positions in the light of social life and consciousness of the individual in the context of social space and time.
Keywords: The article deals with the analysis of various aspects of the mutual influence of culture and religion, because reinterpretation of religion values, a meaningful, semantic element of religion is necessary and has evident practical dimension that affects forming of the optimal cultural paradigm. As the questions of the essence of religion have long been controversial they caused several basic approaches to understanding and defining religion, namely, theological, philosophical, sociological, psychological, and others, were formed which mainly differ in the explanatory principle. At the same time, all approaches are interconnected and, first of all, due to the influence of one on another, the use of one or another ideological tradition of the specific ideas of their opponents, and so on. The article also analyses various philosophical approaches to understanding religion, knowledge of many provisions of the Scriptures, theological and religious-philosophical literature, communication with clerics and believers that allow to explain the vision of the essence of this phenomenon. So, a man, who associates oneself with religion, changes not only ideological orientations, but also is renewed spiritually, rebuilt psychologically (sensually), deliberately chooses a verbally prescribed, and often ascetic way of life. The righteous, just and true thoughts and actions become an indisputable rule for true believers. The author states that religion is a special sphere of the spiritual life of the individual and society, a social phenomenon characterized by a deeply conscious high-spiritual mission, psychological mood and the corresponding practical actions of the individual or the human community associated with their attitude to the transcendental and the supernatural. And as a result, it is necessary to remember that the essence of the knowledge of religion is to consider it from different worldview positions in the light of social life and consciousness of the individual in the context of social space and time.


Vladyslav Strelkov

PhD student of the Department of Political Science and
State Administration of
Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University (Lutsk, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8436-3260
Anotation. The crisis of the legitimacy of political power is inherent in the modern Ukrainian political process. As a result, the power elite is alienated from civil society, state institutions lose the trust and support of the population. We could already observe the culmination of delegitimation processes and the consequences, to which they lead to during the revolutionary events of 2004 and 2013-2014 in Ukraine. Currently, there are tendencies to further aggravate the political crisis and radicalize the manifestations of popular discontent. Under such conditions, a need to develop theoretical recommendations and technologies of an applied nature appears that could ensure the controllability of legitimation and delegitimization processes, and make their consequences predictable. Despite the large number of works that are devoted to the exploring of political technologies, the technologies of delegitimization of political power is often overlooked by scientists. It should be noted that the state of crisis of the legitimacy of political power requires a deeper study of the impact of delegitimization technologies on the political institutions of society. The analysis of research of problems of legitimacy of the political power in works of foreign and Ukrainian scientists is carried out; the modern scientific approaches to development of a problem field of research are generalized in the article. The author developed a categorical apparatus that can be used in the research of the delegitimization process and political technologies, which are used by specialists for purposeful management of this process: the already existing definitions of concepts were clarified and the definitions of previously unexplored categories were offered. In accordance with the tasks, the essence of the concepts are revealed: power, presidential power, legitimacy, illegitimate state, delegitimization, political technologies, technologies of delegitimization of presidential power.
Keywords: The crisis of the legitimacy of political power is inherent in the modern Ukrainian political process. As a result, the power elite is alienated from civil society, state institutions lose the trust and support of the population. We could already observe the culmination of delegitimation processes and the consequences, to which they lead to during the revolutionary events of 2004 and 2013-2014 in Ukraine. Currently, there are tendencies to further aggravate the political crisis and radicalize the manifestations of popular discontent. Under such conditions, a need to develop theoretical recommendations and technologies of an applied nature appears that could ensure the controllability of legitimation and delegitimization processes, and make their consequences predictable. Despite the large number of works that are devoted to the exploring of political technologies, the technologies of delegitimization of political power is often overlooked by scientists. It should be noted that the state of crisis of the legitimacy of political power requires a deeper study of the impact of delegitimization technologies on the political institutions of society. The analysis of research of problems of legitimacy of the political power in works of foreign and Ukrainian scientists is carried out; the modern scientific approaches to development of a problem field of research are generalized in the article. The author developed a categorical apparatus that can be used in the research of the delegitimization process and political technologies, which are used by specialists for purposeful management of this process: the already existing definitions of concepts were clarified and the definitions of previously unexplored categories were offered. In accordance with the tasks, the essence of the concepts are revealed: power, presidential power, legitimacy, illegitimate state, delegitimization, political technologies, technologies of delegitimization of presidential power.


Petro Vorobey, Maksym Palii, Elena Vorobey

Petro Vorobey Doctor of Law, Professor, Vice-President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician, Professor of Criminal Law, Procedure and Criminalistics Kyiv Institute of Intellectual Property and National Law University "Odessa Law Academy", (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Elena Vorobey Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Professor of Forensic Support and forensic examinations of NIS №2 of National Academy of Internal Affairs, (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Maksym Palii Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law, Procedure and Criminalistics Kyiv Institute of Intellectual Property and National Law University "Odessa Law Academy", (Kyiv, Ukraine),,
ORCID ID: ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2470-1920, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1113-6355, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7106-148X
Anotation. The article analyzes important issues of ways to enshrine the object of crime in the law on criminal liability. The correct and timely application of the law in the practice of law enforcement and judicial bodies depends on the method of legislative description of the objects of criminal law protection, as well as the construction of criminal law norms and articles of the law on criminal liability. The possibility of fixing the object of the crime from the point of view of the social conditionality of the criminal law is being investigated. The issue of concretization of the object of the crime and the need to enshrine it in law is covered. Many public relations need to be clarified by law, where all constitutional rights and freedoms must be recognized as objects of criminal law. It is important to define the species object by the law on criminal liability, as many sections of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine contain such objects. It is emphasized that one article contains one criminal law norm or norms that encroach on the same object. The best legislative approach would be a design in which one article would contain one criminal law. It is also necessary to develop units of crime. Such a unit may be a criminal law. Emphasis is placed on the imperfections of judicial practice in sentencing for crimes committed through negligence, which do not have significant differences and features. The lack of a unit of crime gave rise to the "theory of the absorption of one crime by another." The use of the unit of measurement of crime in practice would facilitate the solution of many issues of incrimination, qualification, release from criminal liability and punishment and ensure the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen.
Keywords: The article analyzes important issues of ways to enshrine the object of crime in the law on criminal liability. The correct and timely application of the law in the practice of law enforcement and judicial bodies depends on the method of legislative description of the objects of criminal law protection, as well as the construction of criminal law norms and articles of the law on criminal liability. The possibility of fixing the object of the crime from the point of view of the social conditionality of the criminal law is being investigated. The issue of concretization of the object of the crime and the need to enshrine it in law is covered. Many public relations need to be clarified by law, where all constitutional rights and freedoms must be recognized as objects of criminal law. It is important to define the species object by the law on criminal liability, as many sections of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine contain such objects. It is emphasized that one article contains one criminal law norm or norms that encroach on the same object. The best legislative approach would be a design in which one article would contain one criminal law. It is also necessary to develop units of crime. Such a unit may be a criminal law. Emphasis is placed on the imperfections of judicial practice in sentencing for crimes committed through negligence, which do not have significant differences and features. The lack of a unit of crime gave rise to the "theory of the absorption of one crime by another." The use of the unit of measurement of crime in practice would facilitate the solution of many issues of incrimination, qualification, release from criminal liability and punishment and ensure the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen.


Pavlo Bradulov, Volodimir Ordynskyi

Pavlo Bradulov Post-graduate, Marketing Department Kiev National Economics University named after Vadym Hetman (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Volodimir Ordynskyi Post-graduate, Marketing Department Kiev National Economics University named after Vadym Hetman (Kyiv, Ukraine),
ORCID ID: ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4534-8006, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4966-9488
Anotation. The article is devoted to the problem of using Internet tools by technological multinational corporations in order to achieve marketing goals. The main tendencies of the sphere of Internet marketing, which are characteristic for technological TNCs, are investigated and the specifics of the use of Internet means in this sphere of business are revealed. It is noted that using digital helps to build effective reach of TA that cannot be covered by TV. The author emphasizes that is important to use effective channel split for digital activity. Recommendations on implementation digital marketing in media strategy are developed. In this article considered theoretical construction of Internet marketing management processes in the modern information environment. Approaches to Internet marketing management depending on the type of product are offered. Systematized approaches to the management of digital communication tools. The principles of communication in the network in accordance with the target actions of users are described. The indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of marketing communications on the Internet, features of their calculation and analytical approaches to the interpretation of results and further application of relevant management conclusions are determined on the basis. The problem of measurement the effectiveness of digital marketing is connected with the concept of the conversion rate, that is, the fact of the transition of the audience from visitors to the category of potential consumers and the visualization of success stages of the conversion process (also called conversion funnel). It is indicated that a permanent competitive analysis should be aimed at assessing the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the relevant channels, successful and unsuccessful elements or activities. The classification of adv campaigns types is described. Defying on this different types of adv campaign should be chosen.
Keywords: The article is devoted to the problem of using Internet tools by technological multinational corporations in order to achieve marketing goals. The main tendencies of the sphere of Internet marketing, which are characteristic for technological TNCs, are investigated and the specifics of the use of Internet means in this sphere of business are revealed. It is noted that using digital helps to build effective reach of TA that cannot be covered by TV. The author emphasizes that is important to use effective channel split for digital activity. Recommendations on implementation digital marketing in media strategy are developed. In this article considered theoretical construction of Internet marketing management processes in the modern information environment. Approaches to Internet marketing management depending on the type of product are offered. Systematized approaches to the management of digital communication tools. The principles of communication in the network in accordance with the target actions of users are described. The indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of marketing communications on the Internet, features of their calculation and analytical approaches to the interpretation of results and further application of relevant management conclusions are determined on the basis. The problem of measurement the effectiveness of digital marketing is connected with the concept of the conversion rate, that is, the fact of the transition of the audience from visitors to the category of potential consumers and the visualization of success stages of the conversion process (also called conversion funnel). It is indicated that a permanent competitive analysis should be aimed at assessing the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the relevant channels, successful and unsuccessful elements or activities. The classification of adv campaigns types is described. Defying on this different types of adv campaign should be chosen.


Svitlana Cherneta, Viktoria Petruk

Svitlana Cherneta Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work and Pedagogy of the Higher School Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, (Lutsk, Ukraine)
Viktoria Petruk Candidate of pedagogical science, associate professor Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work and Pedagogy of the Higher School Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, (Lutsk, Ukraine),
ORCID ID: ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9939-7591, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5969-0777
Anotation. The content is revealed and the directions of social and legal protection of people, who have chronic diseases in the article. Approaches to the definition of HIV and AIDS are highlighted, social and psychological problems are outlined, which are faced by HIV-infected and AIDS patients. There are various methods of social work with people, who have chronic diseases such as informing, counseling, direct in-kind and financial assistance, care and service, psychological support, rehabilitation and others. Social and psychological help for HIV-infected and AIDS patients requires careful selection of special forms of work such as providing the individual and group consultations, forming of commitment to Highly Active Anti-Retro Viral Treatment, organization of self-help groups. The main directions of the social and legal protection of people, who have chronic diseases, should become an adoption of legislation in line with international standards; a raising awareness of people with chronic diseases about existing types of social protection and access to them; a formation of a legal culture of the population in order to reduce the level of stigma and discrimination related to HIV and AIDS; the determining of the legal basis of social work with people with chronic diseases; the development and realization of nationwide, regional programs of social support for people with chronic diseases; the organization and implementation of social work with people with chronic diseases, providing them with social services; the ensuring of compliance with minimum social standards of the implementation of social work with people with chronic diseases; the implementation of social and preventive work, rehabilitation measures to restore social functions, psychological and physical condition of people with chronic diseases; the assistance to public organizations, to other associations of citizens, to individuals with the implementation of their own socially significant initiatives and projects in the field of social work with people with chronic diseases in the manner that is prescribed by the law; the development and support of the volunteer movement in the field of social work with people with chronic diseases; the implementation of personnel, scientific and methodological, financial, material and technical, informational support of social work with families, children and youth; strengthening cooperation between social protection institutions, non-governmental organizations, organizations of employers and workers.
Keywords: The content is revealed and the directions of social and legal protection of people, who have chronic diseases in the article. Approaches to the definition of HIV and AIDS are highlighted, social and psychological problems are outlined, which are faced by HIV-infected and AIDS patients. There are various methods of social work with people, who have chronic diseases such as informing, counseling, direct in-kind and financial assistance, care and service, psychological support, rehabilitation and others. Social and psychological help for HIV-infected and AIDS patients requires careful selection of special forms of work such as providing the individual and group consultations, forming of commitment to Highly Active Anti-Retro Viral Treatment, organization of self-help groups. The main directions of the social and legal protection of people, who have chronic diseases, should become an adoption of legislation in line with international standards; a raising awareness of people with chronic diseases about existing types of social protection and access to them; a formation of a legal culture of the population in order to reduce the level of stigma and discrimination related to HIV and AIDS; the determining of the legal basis of social work with people with chronic diseases; the development and realization of nationwide, regional programs of social support for people with chronic diseases; the organization and implementation of social work with people with chronic diseases, providing them with social services; the ensuring of compliance with minimum social standards of the implementation of social work with people with chronic diseases; the implementation of social and preventive work, rehabilitation measures to restore social functions, psychological and physical condition of people with chronic diseases; the assistance to public organizations, to other associations of citizens, to individuals with the implementation of their own socially significant initiatives and projects in the field of social work with people with chronic diseases in the manner that is prescribed by the law; the development and support of the volunteer movement in the field of social work with people with chronic diseases; the implementation of personnel, scientific and methodological, financial, material and technical, informational support of social work with families, children and youth; strengthening cooperation between social protection institutions, non-governmental organizations, organizations of employers and workers.


Ruslana Shirshikova

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of
the Department of Civil Law
Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University (Lutsk, Ukraine)
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9840-1045
Anotation. The author explores etymological understanding of the terms of public administrating, public management, analyzes the views of leading scholars who have studied the issue of concept of public management and public administrating. The author analyzes the provisions of "The concept of reforming of public administration in Ukraine" and determines that the competence of public servants is limited to the performance of organizational and administrative, advisory and consultative functions: “the public servants are persons who hold administrative positions that are related to the performance of organizational and administrative, advisory and consultative functions”. The author offers to consider that public management and public administrating are subtypes (components) of social management in the conclusions. Public administrating is the link between state management and public management and ensures the organization and implementation of its decisions. The key elements for state management are the state and state power, and for public administrating, are society and public power. The object is the state in state management, and the object is society in public administrating. Authoritarianism is characteristic of state management, and democracy is characteristic of public administrating. Public administrating introduces democratic values and contributes to the sustainable development of the state of Ukraine in the process of social transformation.
Keywords: The author explores etymological understanding of the terms of public administrating, public management, analyzes the views of leading scholars who have studied the issue of concept of public management and public administrating. The author analyzes the provisions of "The concept of reforming of public administration in Ukraine" and determines that the competence of public servants is limited to the performance of organizational and administrative, advisory and consultative functions: “the public servants are persons who hold administrative positions that are related to the performance of organizational and administrative, advisory and consultative functions”. The author offers to consider that public management and public administrating are subtypes (components) of social management in the conclusions. Public administrating is the link between state management and public management and ensures the organization and implementation of its decisions. The key elements for state management are the state and state power, and for public administrating, are society and public power. The object is the state in state management, and the object is society in public administrating. Authoritarianism is characteristic of state management, and democracy is characteristic of public administrating. Public administrating introduces democratic values and contributes to the sustainable development of the state of Ukraine in the process of social transformation.


Andrii Borovyk, Liudmyla Bogush

Andrii Borovyk Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Docent, Corresponding Member of Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, Professor at the Department of Criminal Low and Justice of International University of Economics and Humanities n amed after academician Stepan Demianchuk
Liudmyla Bogush Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Management of International University of Economics and Humanities named after academician Stepan Demianchuk,
ORCID ID: ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1834-404X, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2494-6111
Anotation. Real and effective counteraction of system corruption - it is defining condition of justice and influence of the law. At the same time state as a general civilizational institutional phenomenon, has the right not only produce normative legal acts of the highest validity (laws) of anti-corruption contents and to create power institutes and regulatory bodies are aimed to counteract actively system corruption in the country. In separate situations and cases it is about use of monopoly of the state on tough counteraction to this phenomenon. System corruption and first of all the VIP corruption provokes backwardness of the country, permanent social and economic regress, preserves it on a roadside of world progress. It is established that one of ways of usurpation of the power is imperiously oligarchical corruption - combination of political and economic corruption, which is shown by merge of business and policy, the direction of efforts of oligarchical circles to monopolization of the power. In order that anti-corruption reforms showed the result expected by society result in the form of sentences and confiscations of illegally acquired property, it is necessary also the operating system anti-corruption counteractions is adjusted. At the same time such imperatives as independent investigation, independent prosecutor's office and independent court and inevitable responsibility is guaranteed, have to concern first of all officials, whose positions refer to category "A": ex-presidents, People's Deputies, cabinet ministers, ministers and their deputies, heads of public services and committees, and also all is various structure of an administrative and bureaucratic system.
Keywords: Real and effective counteraction of system corruption - it is defining condition of justice and influence of the law. At the same time state as a general civilizational institutional phenomenon, has the right not only produce normative legal acts of the highest validity (laws) of anti-corruption contents and to create power institutes and regulatory bodies are aimed to counteract actively system corruption in the country. In separate situations and cases it is about use of monopoly of the state on tough counteraction to this phenomenon. System corruption and first of all the VIP corruption provokes backwardness of the country, permanent social and economic regress, preserves it on a roadside of world progress. It is established that one of ways of usurpation of the power is imperiously oligarchical corruption - combination of political and economic corruption, which is shown by merge of business and policy, the direction of efforts of oligarchical circles to monopolization of the power. In order that anti-corruption reforms showed the result expected by society result in the form of sentences and confiscations of illegally acquired property, it is necessary also the operating system anti-corruption counteractions is adjusted. At the same time such imperatives as independent investigation, independent prosecutor's office and independent court and inevitable responsibility is guaranteed, have to concern first of all officials, whose positions refer to category "A": ex-presidents, People's Deputies, cabinet ministers, ministers and their deputies, heads of public services and committees, and also all is various structure of an administrative and bureaucratic system.


Denis Paramonov

Applicant for a scientific degree
Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1812-9171
Anotation. The article analyzes the ways of a possible solution to the Middle East conflict between Arab countries and Israel. The steps of different parties after the Suez crisis are clarified. Period from 1956- 1967. marked by a relative lull on the Egyptian-Israeli border. While Israel was successfully overcoming the post-war economic and political crisis and foreign policy isolation, Egypt was facing many internal problems, in particular in the socio-economic sphere. Newly created The United Arab Republic, through the merger of Syria and Egypt, did not give the necessary impetus to the practical implementation of the idea of pan-Arabism. The determining factor of the future war was the external factor. After all, it was during this period that the US government's direct military-financial support for Israel, which was to become the cornerstone of US policy in the region, as well as the Soviet Union's active search for political clients among Arab countries. Along with the official governments of the Arab countries, Islamic theologians, students and teachers of Egyptian higher theological educational institutions, institutes of military preachers became more active, which began to propagate anti-Jewish slogans, which testified to the evolution of the Egyptian-Israeli conflict in the direction of its "Islamization" and "Judaization", in which the Jews challenged the entire Arab world and Islam as the basis of the worldview of the peoples of the Middle East. In addition, the biblical idea of God's election of the Jews was denied. In view of such propaganda, Islamic theologians called for the need to declare jihad for the liberation of Palestine. Such appeals by Arab leaders could be attributed to public rhetoric, as they were countered by their rather cautious behavior, but two things were obvious to Israelis: first, if they showed weakness, their very existence would be threatened; Secondly, Egypt, like all Arab countries, did not want a peaceful settlement of the conflict. Against this background, Israel began to prepare in advance for a possible war.
Keywords: The article analyzes the ways of a possible solution to the Middle East conflict between Arab countries and Israel. The steps of different parties after the Suez crisis are clarified. Period from 1956- 1967. marked by a relative lull on the Egyptian-Israeli border. While Israel was successfully overcoming the post-war economic and political crisis and foreign policy isolation, Egypt was facing many internal problems, in particular in the socio-economic sphere. Newly created The United Arab Republic, through the merger of Syria and Egypt, did not give the necessary impetus to the practical implementation of the idea of pan-Arabism. The determining factor of the future war was the external factor. After all, it was during this period that the US government's direct military-financial support for Israel, which was to become the cornerstone of US policy in the region, as well as the Soviet Union's active search for political clients among Arab countries. Along with the official governments of the Arab countries, Islamic theologians, students and teachers of Egyptian higher theological educational institutions, institutes of military preachers became more active, which began to propagate anti-Jewish slogans, which testified to the evolution of the Egyptian-Israeli conflict in the direction of its "Islamization" and "Judaization", in which the Jews challenged the entire Arab world and Islam as the basis of the worldview of the peoples of the Middle East. In addition, the biblical idea of God's election of the Jews was denied. In view of such propaganda, Islamic theologians called for the need to declare jihad for the liberation of Palestine. Such appeals by Arab leaders could be attributed to public rhetoric, as they were countered by their rather cautious behavior, but two things were obvious to Israelis: first, if they showed weakness, their very existence would be threatened; Secondly, Egypt, like all Arab countries, did not want a peaceful settlement of the conflict. Against this background, Israel began to prepare in advance for a possible war.