Tetiana Hladun
Associate Professor of the Department of General Technical Disciplines,
Pedagogical Dragomanov University, (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Anotation. In the context of reforming higher pedagogical education, the issue of training
future teachers with a high standard of environmental knowledge, environmental education,
worldview beliefs, professionalism, capable of organizing and carrying out nature protection
activities, who would be able to approach solving complicated tasks in teaching in a creative
manner, gains particular relevance. According to S. Shmaliei, environmental breeding is carried
out by influencing the mind of the individual in the process of its formation in order to develop
socio-psychological settings, moral principles and norms, rational use of natural resources and
man-made influence on natural systems. Environmental breeding forms the behavior of the
individual in nature.
M. Bauer defines that environmental breeding is formed on the basis of environmental
education, which is a system of knowledge aimed at learning the general scientific theory and
practice from various environmental disciplines. Its main task is theoretical formation of
environmental consciousness, ecological thinking, ecological behavior, ecological worldview,
forming the first elementary knowledge about the peculiarities of the relationship “man-society-
nature”. For the successful achievement of such basic tasks of environmental education and
breeding, the selection of active methods is necessary.
Practical embodiment of partially methodological principles is obtained in methods and
techniques. The concept “method” in the national and foreign science has the meaning of “means
of action”, it is in this sense that we will discuss the methods of teaching in environmental
education, in the process of studying disciplines of the natural sciences cycle.
Teaching methods make a conditional category. They depend on the purpose, content,
stage of training. Methods that are a historical phenomenon have passed a certain path of
development - from the verbal-dogmatic to the verbal-visual and to other classifications, which
have been developed on the basis of different criteria. “Since teaching methods have a number of
sides and can be considered in various aspects,” Y. Babanskyi notes, “it is quite possible that
there are several approaches to their classifications.” We believe that the criteria reflect the range
of use of methods. So, according to the source of the transfer and acquisition of knowledge, we
distinguish as productive in environmental education the following methods: verbal, work with a
book, observation, experiment, exercises, practical work.
Thereafter, we proceeded from the use of the characteristics of self-education, self-
actualization and creativity as criteria. So, on the basis of qualitative parameters, in particular, the
peculiarities of cognitive activity of students, we have found out what is the driving force in the
system of methods.
According to the tasks, teaching methods in environmental education are used as
cognitive, training, control ones.
The use of a particular method depends on a number of factors: the purpose of training, its
content, social order, the personality of students. The choice of methods is also influenced by the
tasks set up by the teacher, personal and professional qualities of the teacher, the time frame,
facilities. The criterion of efficiency of a method is the end result: personal development of students, conscious and qualitative learning, acquiring practical skills and abilities, the ability to
transform a task, take a creatively different decision.
Keywords: In the context of reforming higher pedagogical education, the issue of training
future teachers with a high standard of environmental knowledge, environmental education,
worldview beliefs, professionalism, capable of organizing and carrying out nature protection
activities, who would be able to approach solving complicated tasks in teaching in a creative
manner, gains particular relevance. According to S. Shmaliei, environmental breeding is carried
out by influencing the mind of the individual in the process of its formation in order to develop
socio-psychological settings, moral principles and norms, rational use of natural resources and
man-made influence on natural systems. Environmental breeding forms the behavior of the
individual in nature.
M. Bauer defines that environmental breeding is formed on the basis of environmental
education, which is a system of knowledge aimed at learning the general scientific theory and
practice from various environmental disciplines. Its main task is theoretical formation of
environmental consciousness, ecological thinking, ecological behavior, ecological worldview,
forming the first elementary knowledge about the peculiarities of the relationship “man-society-
nature”. For the successful achievement of such basic tasks of environmental education and
breeding, the selection of active methods is necessary.
Practical embodiment of partially methodological principles is obtained in methods and
techniques. The concept “method” in the national and foreign science has the meaning of “means
of action”, it is in this sense that we will discuss the methods of teaching in environmental
education, in the process of studying disciplines of the natural sciences cycle.
Teaching methods make a conditional category. They depend on the purpose, content,
stage of training. Methods that are a historical phenomenon have passed a certain path of
development - from the verbal-dogmatic to the verbal-visual and to other classifications, which
have been developed on the basis of different criteria. “Since teaching methods have a number of
sides and can be considered in various aspects,” Y. Babanskyi notes, “it is quite possible that
there are several approaches to their classifications.” We believe that the criteria reflect the range
of use of methods. So, according to the source of the transfer and acquisition of knowledge, we
distinguish as productive in environmental education the following methods: verbal, work with a
book, observation, experiment, exercises, practical work.
Thereafter, we proceeded from the use of the characteristics of self-education, self-
actualization and creativity as criteria. So, on the basis of qualitative parameters, in particular, the
peculiarities of cognitive activity of students, we have found out what is the driving force in the
system of methods.
According to the tasks, teaching methods in environmental education are used as
cognitive, training, control ones.
The use of a particular method depends on a number of factors: the purpose of training, its
content, social order, the personality of students. The choice of methods is also influenced by the
tasks set up by the teacher, personal and professional qualities of the teacher, the time frame,
facilities. The criterion of efficiency of a method is the end result: personal development of students, conscious and qualitative learning, acquiring practical skills and abilities, the ability to
transform a task, take a creatively different decision.