Anotation. The article presents the peculiarities of future maritime officers` professionally
significant qualities. It is shown that the formation of future maritime specialists` professionally
significant qualities refers to the system of «human-human» and «human-machine» interaction simultaneously. The problems of the professional level and the managerial competence are analyzed. Seven main groups of skills and competences which are necessary for a maritime
officer for the successful professional interaction are identified: optimization of significant
qualities in the process of management activity, formation of a united team, analysis of the
problem and the decisions taken argumentation, exchange of information with subordinates,
support of labor and executive discipline, motivation of own professional activity and the
collective ones, rational organization of their own professional interactions. The spheres of
future maritime officers competence are as follows: performance of professional functions,
assessment and control of subordinates` professional interaction, subordinates` organization of
professional tasks, motivation of subordinates, preparation and implementation of managerial
decisions, communicative qualities: information exchange, decision-making, organization of
own professional interaction and maintaining the necessary level of professional interaction,
providing training for subordinates. It is proved that the main factor of effective professional
interaction is the personality of the future maritime officer and his skills plus abilities in the
organization of human and technical resources. It is noted that the success of the future
professional interaction contributes to the acquired professionally significant qualities, which
should be developed under the influence of social and humanitarian disciplines. It is pointed, that
the educational process should lay upon the foundations for a critical assessment of own life and
professional experience, awareness of choosing the ways and methods for improving personal
and professional qualities; ability to criticism and self-criticism, persistence in achieving of the
goal, interest in the quality of future professional interaction, ability to take responsibility,
decision-making, team-working, communicative skills, integration skills, self-regulation, self-development of a person in combination with professional interaction, professional tasks solving, problem situations solving, self-determination, self-realization, self-improvement.
Keywords: The article presents the peculiarities of future maritime officers` professionally
significant qualities. It is shown that the formation of future maritime specialists` professionally
significant qualities refers to the system of «human-human» and «human-machine» interaction simultaneously. The problems of the professional level and the managerial competence are analyzed. Seven main groups of skills and competences which are necessary for a maritime
officer for the successful professional interaction are identified: optimization of significant
qualities in the process of management activity, formation of a united team, analysis of the
problem and the decisions taken argumentation, exchange of information with subordinates,
support of labor and executive discipline, motivation of own professional activity and the
collective ones, rational organization of their own professional interactions. The spheres of
future maritime officers competence are as follows: performance of professional functions,
assessment and control of subordinates` professional interaction, subordinates` organization of
professional tasks, motivation of subordinates, preparation and implementation of managerial
decisions, communicative qualities: information exchange, decision-making, organization of
own professional interaction and maintaining the necessary level of professional interaction,
providing training for subordinates. It is proved that the main factor of effective professional
interaction is the personality of the future maritime officer and his skills plus abilities in the
organization of human and technical resources. It is noted that the success of the future
professional interaction contributes to the acquired professionally significant qualities, which
should be developed under the influence of social and humanitarian disciplines. It is pointed, that
the educational process should lay upon the foundations for a critical assessment of own life and
professional experience, awareness of choosing the ways and methods for improving personal
and professional qualities; ability to criticism and self-criticism, persistence in achieving of the
goal, interest in the quality of future professional interaction, ability to take responsibility,
decision-making, team-working, communicative skills, integration skills, self-regulation, self-development of a person in combination with professional interaction, professional tasks solving, problem situations solving, self-determination, self-realization, self-improvement.
Mariana Babyshena
Kherson State Maritime academy,